Chapter 17: Deadly Duet

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•Tokaku Azuma's Past•

The day Tokaku was born, she was birthed in her family home. Her mother layed on the floor, tired and flushed from pushing a health baby out of her body, she only had the help of her mother or in terms Tokaku's grandmother.

"I'm going to name her Tokaku."

Tokaku's mother looked up to her own mother feeling ill and to weak to say anything before she could question the name, her mother answers it.

"The name means "impossible". When people hear her name they'll fear her strength and think it would be impossible to challenge our family name. She'll make a fantastic addition to the Azuma clan." Tokaku's grandmother gloated with a sinister face.

Later in the evening Tokaku's aunt visited. She was shunned by the clan since she choose to not participate in the family tradition of being an assassin.

As her sister sat beside her weak sibling, Tokaku's weak mother clenched her sisters hand and asked for a favor.

"If anything were to happen to me... please help Tokaku. Don't let her become murders or killers like us... or them..."

Her sister nodded. Tokaku's mother died later that week. Countless times while Tokaku was being trained her aunt continuously asked if Tokaku would come with her to the city and actually experience what it's like to be a normal child.

Her grandmother always told her no longer daughter to stop coming.

One day Tokaku had enough and ran off with Tokaku to see a shrine in the mountains near the clan home.

"Tokaku hurry! Before they catch us!"

They made it to the small shrine.

"Remeber this place everytime you are about to kill someone."


"It'll stop you from killing them.. Remember............... Is always watching you." Her aunt phrased.

•Present time•

A loud sound of thunder interrupts Tokaku's flashback as she glares intensely at Isuke. She tried countless times to reach you but was always blocked by Isuke.

"Why are you doing this?! How did you even get Bamba to go along with you?!"

"I made a promise with her  I'd keep busy and kill the fuck out of little Ms.Annoyance while she had fun and play with (Y/n)~!"

Tokaku tsked and tried once more to beeline it straight to your location but was tripped up by Isuke. She curses as she flips Isuke whom in turn flips to her feet and continuously attacks Tokaku who in turn deflects the attacks.

"GeT oUt Of My WaY!"

" Hehehe~! Yeah right you're staying here with me! This wouldn't have happened had you killed me the last time you had the chance."

•Elsewhere with (Y/n)•


hin'ya laughed wickedly as she hauled the heavy sledgehammer towards you. "Thanks to you Mahiru has another prized treasure that will wash away all her problems. That cell phone charm will make a wonderful memorably." Shin'ya comments as she slowly raised the sledgehammer over her head again.

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