Chapter 7: The Dynamic Duo And The Second Possible Member?

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Bold:"Author Speaking/POV Change"

Italics:"Actions"Wispering" "Locations"

Normal:"Normal Talking/Storytelling"

[AI] (Your Helper)




Hey guys Ghost here and I got that spark again and I thank you guys for waiting and also I might start uploading daily again. So thanks for waiting for this idiot to upload once again and I hope to see you next time! ~ Ghost-Kun

[(Y/N)'s POV]

It's been a day since I met Seima and he joined my crew and we set sail.

Now me and Seima are going....Somewhere and I'm gonna be honest with you.

I have no idea where we are.

"Oi....Seima" I said boredly.

Seima:"Yeah..." He said with the same tone of voice.

We were just out in the open ocean when suddenly a cannon hit beside of the boat which caused the boat to shake as well as make us stumble.

"Whats going on!" I exclaimed.

Seima:"I don't know!" He exclaimed back.

We heard a Cannon firing and looked to see a Boat with the markings WG coming straight for us firing at us.

???:"Surrender or we'll use force! Your invading World Government territory." The Soldier snapped.

A War With Words Is Not Better Than A War With Actions

Defeat the Army of soldiers on the enemy ship.

Rewards: 5,000 Berry / 2,000 XP

Faliure: Prison / Possible death


Seima and I just looked at each other and smirked.

"Wanna see who can beat the most soldiers?" I asked competitively to which he nodded smirking as we stood our ground which made them turn hostile and fire at us.

(3rd Person)

(Play Now)

(Y/N):"Yosh! Lets do this!" He said as he quickly jumped into the air and sliced the Cannonball in half with Magnama while also disappearing and reappearing on the Enemy boat causing the soldiers to panic and blindly attack.

Seima:"Oi! Wait for me!" He yelled as he quickly jumped onto the boat beside (Y/N) as they observed the crew.

There looked to be about a hundred of them with no captain of any sort to be seen which would make this too easy for them which made them feel as if something was off.

As a soldier came charging at (Y/N) he was cut down by Seima who slashed diagonally into his chest.

Two more soldiers came in only to be blasted away by a Powerful wind made by (Y/N) which shocked Seima.

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