Major Arc Preview

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(Y/N) walked through the thick forest not knowing where His Crewmates were.

As he sweeped through the forest he felt sudden danger and jumped back.

Seima:"Who are you!?" He yelled with blood running down his Face and ripped shirt.

The man with a silver katana and along with a white suit with a cape that says Vice Admiral. His most noticable features are the scars on his face.

???:"That is for me to know and you not to find out" The man said looking...somewhere slowly unsheathing his sword.

Seima:"Where the hell is (Y/N)!?" He screamed as they clashed.

Feray was seen screaming clinging onto a branch for dear life.

Feray:"H-Help me!? Someone Please!"

The branch slightly snapped causing the girl to gasp.

Feray:"(Y/N)!! Help-"

And in one movement the branch had snapped and the girl fell to her unending doom.....or so she thought.

(Y/N) slashed his enemied hoodie off but was shocked to see a pair of white rabbit ears and two black pupils staring into his in anger.




(Y/N):"Carrot...!?" He muttered in shock as she dashed once again with determination ass the two clashed once more.

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