Unfortunate End Of the Book

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Hey guys.

Luno here.

And as the title says this will be the final chapter or note of the book overall.

This decision came up because I just couldn't find the motivation or ideas to continue writing this book.

There were so many things that I could've done differently that would've made this book great, but it's too late.

I don't know why I lost motivation in the book.

It could be because I'm applying for colleges and dealing with online work and stuff like that. I haven't had time to watch anime and I guess i fully drifted off from it.

Book had so much potential to be great man. I'm kinda disappointed in myself.

Though it was my second book. So problems would be there.

But I guess it was my lack of interest for it anymore.

But unlike my 1st book I won't delete this. I want people to know how this once great book took an unfortunate Turn.

But thats all for now.

I'll release the bit of chapter 25 I had.

Stay healthy.

Stay blessed.

Luno out.

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