Chapter 10 Arc 1: The Rise Of The Phantom (2)

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Bold:"Author Speaking/POV Change"

Italics:"Whispering" "Locations"

Normal:"Normal Talking/Storytelling"

[AI] (Your Helper)




This is a short chapter because I've been busy for the past week with Band camp if you don't know what that is then I'll just say I'm a High School Musician

(3rd Person)

As (Y/N) and Vegas stared each other down a feeling of dread overcame Feray and Seima.

(Y/N):"When are you gonna show your full power....Vergas" He said Monotonously as the man started Becoming brighter by the second.

Vergas:"Well it's the only way I will have a chance of defeating you so I might as well go all out" He said smirking as he slowly started producing a Greenish like liquid out of his body that made (Y/N) narrow his eyes.

(Y/N):"Your poisonous Devil Fruit won't Stop The Battle Vergas!" He roars as they both rush at each other knowing that this won't end quickly.

As the two clashed with similar swords a shockwave emmited Making the two spectators stumble.

Seima looked on in anger but also slight concern which Feray took notice to.

Seima:"You idiot...." He mumbled while closing his eyes as (Y/N) sent a Kick towards Vergas but he blocked it with his hand as he came back with a Haymaker to which almost connected if not for his Devil Fruit.

Seima was staring at his captain in slight concern.

Feray looked at (Y/N) and noticed blood coming from his right arm which made her eyes widen.

Feray:"S-Seima! His-"

Seima:"I know....." He said as if he was hiding something which got The White haired girl curious but She knew not to ask.

Back into the Battle the two were On Par right now with just a couple of punches and kicks with the occasional block or Dodge.

Vergas:"We can do this all day (Y/N)!!" He Yelled As his hand turned into a Greenish poisonous liquid as he dashed towards his enemy who just looked at him with no certain emotion.

All of a sudden. His eyes narrowed and he quickly disappeared which made the Poison Fruit Pirate look around in caution and anger.

Vergas:"Stop Playing Damn Ga-" he was silenced by a quick punch by a Darkish Grey Blur which made him look the other way only to get punched once again.

Vergas tried to defend himself, but His Attacker was too fast as he got faster hitting him from many places in different body parts.

With a Kick to the jaw Vergas was sent flying into a building to which (Y/N) appeared from a burst of winds smirking with a slight pained expression.

Ability: Speed Punch Combo

Trigger type: Manual

Description: This is a Melee ability which gives it's user Extremely Quick Abilities to Boost themselves while Attacking their Objective in any way

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