Chapter 16 Arc 2: Separated (P2)

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Bold:"Author Speaking/POV Change"

Italics:"Whispering" "Locations"

Normal:"Normal Talking/Storytelling"




(3rd Person)

Feray:"Newgate..? I don't know..." She said slowly.

In her mind she'd never really thought about what his last name was. Or considering to know what his full name was.

Now she was intrigued...because everyone knew Who Edward Newgate was...and that is Whitebeard. One of the most powerful Pirates. No. Beings ever seen.


Feray:"Are you telling me...That My Captain is the son of the legendary Whitebeard...." She asked as the Old man just tipped his classes upward.

Rayleigh:"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. But that's what I want to find out." She man said as he took a Sip of tea.

Feray:"But they don't look alike in any way...(Y/N) has (H/C) hair...he doesn't have familiar facial features....but he does talk about having a family on the sea a lot" As She said this The old man Just Laughed and gave the Girl a Big Smile.

Rayleigh:"That's Just what I thought (Y/N) would do. The kid was stubborn at a Small age. It's Pretty obvious because he has (E/C) eyes just like his mother." He said While Sipping some more tea.

Feray looked at him confused and interested.

Feray:"You know (Y/N)? And His mother?" She asked.

The man nodded got up and walked to a Counter with a Small picture on it.

It had two People in the picture. One woman with long (H/C) hair who had her eyes closed. And a Small child who had the same hair as the mother...but looked very Similar to (Y/N)....

(You see that guy's? That's you and Mama Newgate~ Ghost-Kun)

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(You see that guy's? That's you and Mama Newgate~ Ghost-Kun)

Rayleigh:"her name was Helen L. New gate and the boy you talk her son."He said Sipping some tea once again as the girls eyes widened.

Feray:"(Y/N) is the son of whitebeard!? (Gasp) Whitebeard had a Wife!?" She said in disbelief as the man just smiled.

Rayleigh:"Yes. (Y/N) is the son of Edward....but-" He cut himself off with a slight frown as a small feeling of tension emitted between them.

Feray:"....What happened to Helen Rayleigh?" She asked Intrigued at his answer.

All Rayleigh did was sigh and look through the window at the rising sun.

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