Chapter 23 Arc 2: The Talk, A Test Of Trust, And A Plothole?

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Bold:"Author Speaking/POV Change"

Italics:"Whispering" "Locations" "Thoughts"

Normal:"Normal Talking/Storytelling"


[By the Way you guys Should thank @Browser16t for this chapter actually coming out. I don't know why, but i Just really got motivated after reading his/her comment. So yeah. Thanks i guess. ~Ghost-Kun]


(3rd Person)

(Y/N):"Alright. So what is this about."

Shishillian:"You,and How You Found Us" He said Getting Serious.

Concelot:"We know it's Difficult to find this Place. So how did you effortlessly do it." The Feline said as He Scratched his Nose.

(Y/N):"...I don't even know when I got here. So what makes you think i would know How?" He Questioned them as They looked at each other in doubt.

Shishillian:"I know because i Sensed you Appear here. And if Im Correct. Your Lying, because you were conscious when You Got Here according to Carrot. " As he said this (Y/N)'s eyes Widened.

(Y/N):"Hmph...Clever Girl" He Muttered as he looked on at the five who were awaiting for answer.

(Y/N):"Fine. You got me. I Teleported here using my Devil fruit,But i didn't actually know where i was going." He said Causing them to look on Confused.

Giovanni:"So you Just randomly Teleported to a random island?" He Said as the boy just blankly nodded.

Concelot:"tch. How do we know you're not an enemy." He Ushered on staring At the (H/C) Boy in Doubt.

(Y/N):"Oh you'd know if i was an enemy" He chuckled as they all looked at each other and Started to mutter to each other.

(Y/N) took this chance to look at their Stats.


Name: Shishilian

Level: ???

Age: 34

Current Emotion: Doubtful

[STR]: ???

[DEX]: ???

[INT]: ???

Wis: ???

[End]: ???

Loyalty: 0%

Fatigue: 0%

Name: Concelot

Level: ???

Age: 29

Current Emotion: Annoyed

[STR]: ???

[DEX]: ???

[INT]: ???

Wis: ???

[End]: ???

Loyalty: 0%

Fatigue: 3%

Name: Giovanni

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