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"As it is in our power, we have allied together to put an end to your reign and obtain what was once ours

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"As it is in our power, we have allied together to put an end to your reign and obtain what was once ours. Surrender in peace and we will do you no harm. Resist and you will be the fuse to the war that will wipe out Potentia Flamber."

I closed my eyes as my heart sank deeper into my stomach. Bile threatened to rise up as Philip finished reading.

"Your Majesty," he started. "What are you going to do?"

They couldn't have picked a better time. Weeks after my coronation, my kingdom was being threatened by those who were once my parent's friends, our supposed allies.


I had an inkling they wished to raid our resources and the Inlustris to keep for themselves, and, while they were at it, eliminate me from my position of power. They never liked the idea of a young woman inheriting the throne, so to see me with everything they ever yearned for must have been detrimental. I should've seen it coming.

"Prepare our military."

Philip clenched his jaw and scurried out of the dining room. He would probably tell General Feulune of our circumstance and whisper the news to all of our staff. By the end of day, everyone will be giving me pitiful looks.

It would be like after my parents died.

This time it would be about something I had control over. They all knew I could put a stop to it. They would never approve of my rash decision to go into war so quickly into my reign. It was a suicide.

I sighed but stayed put in the queen's seat at the dining table. The table extended to the other edge of the room where the king's seat stared at me, empty.

"Where's my favorite queen?"

I rolled my eyes but faced my fiancé with a smile.

Prince Mahli Scaevus, the perfect prince. A little too perfect for my taste. I have never seen him mess up, and that was enough for me to dislike him. I believed he was hiding something, but knowing his intelligence level, he was probably going through a memorized script of how to pass as a good royal.

Soon after my parents died, Philip searched the different lands in hopes of bringing Potentia Flamber a future king. I was in line for the throne, but as a woman, people weren't too keen on having me rule on my own. They trusted a king more than a queen.

Stupid really.

No matter, before I knew it, Prince Mahli came to Potentia Flamber and made everyone fall for him, except me. I kept up the act, not only for Philip but for my kingdom. Having a king would help the rest of the kingdoms respect us. It would maintain the peace in Caeleste.

"How are you?" He took hold of my hand, begging me to stand up. "You look stressed."

"Oh, my Prince, no need to worry," I said.

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