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By the morning, I was better rested than I had been since I joined the Bleeders

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By the morning, I was better rested than I had been since I joined the Bleeders. Although the bed was springy, the air was stuffy, and almost every piece of furniture had a layer of dust on top, I was able to rest better than in a hole on the ground or a cave. In the end, that gave Earth a small positive in comparison to the land.

At least when it came to being in a gang.

Kora and Marisole stayed sleeping in, but Gaia had awakened before me. She was in the process of praying when I woke up. She sat on the ground, putting her arms high in the air, mumbling her prayers nonstop.

It reminded me of the mystas back home and how they managed to pray so deeply but so internally.

Adonis looked for me right after, knocking on the door. Gaia rolled her eyes, but smiled at us. She reminded us about our tight schedule and urged us to be back in less than two hours. I nodded as Adonis saluted.

"Okay, since I still have enough money from what I stole yesterday—

"Adonis," I scolded.

"What? Everyone stole except for you. You were too busy having an affair with concrete."

I scoffed. It severely annoyed me how inept I was in this land. I couldn't eat their food without feeling sick, excluding that muffin, and I couldn't stay conscious. Everyone blamed the first time traveling to a new universe, which I knew was the evident cause, but it still annoyed me.

"Anyway, I am going to take you to breakfast. I don't know what you like, but Herc mentioned last night that you enjoyed sweets more. Lucky for you, this part of the world has lots of sugary breakfast options."

"Then lead the way," I said and hooked my arm around his.

Sitting amongst many elderly, Adonis and I attempted to understand the foreign language of the menu without unsettling anyone around us. He had brought us to an adorable diner, but forgot about how we both couldn't speak the country's language. Only Gaia could do so. The waitress was left just as perplexed as we were.

After struggling for a couple of minutes, Adonis managed to order a platter of pancakes for the both of us. He said he tried to order strawberries on my platter, but he wasn't so sure if the waitress understood his pointing. Regardless, I was touched. He was trying to bring me sweet food because I liked it. When you were trying to survive, you ate what you got. In my case, I would leave what I couldn't swallow down, but I still made sure to eat something.

"Ella, I'm really glad you joined our gang," Adonis said. His bruising had diminished already, so his emerald eyes shined brighter. They sparkled under the bright daylight pooling in from the windows; they looked almost luminescent.

"Why? All I do is cause more trouble."

"That's not true," he took a pause, "not entirely true."

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