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Adonis, Marisole, and I veered to the right as the others went left

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Adonis, Marisole, and I veered to the right as the others went left. Jax explained the structure of the castle, so we had a more or less idea of where we were going. Even though I'd been there before, the memory was distant. I remembered a few details that didn't help in our case.

We made our way down the corridors, nodding at guards and other officials who politely returned it. We were wearing guard uniforms ourselves, courtesy of Jax.

That man really knew this palace like the very palm of his hand.

Adonis gave Marisole and I a nod as he disappeared into a hallway. According to Jax, the hallway connected to the other side of the palace where King Rasmus' room of valuables stood in the middle.

Marisole continued in front of me, a spring in her step, as she went up the steps that led to the second floor. I went behind her, studying the marble floors and the gold railing that shone in the harsh vermiculo light.

Such an enchanting palace with an ugly king inside.

We made it to the top with little effort and trudged to the right. The heavy doors of the meeting hall stood at the other side of the steps, closed. I gave Marisole a look. The meeting was happening right then.

As we were about to go make our way to the doors, two other guards slipped out of a small room and took their place beside the doors, guarding the meeting. I cursed underneath my breath. How was I supposed to keep watch and spy on the meeting with them there?

Marisole nodded to a hallway beside us and I followed her through. The guards paid no attention to our presence, so I took that as a good sign.

"What are we going to do?" I whispered.

"What do you think? We need a distraction, a motive. You should know all about that."

Her tone was stark and bitter. I recoiled, frowning, not knowing why her friendly demeanor from the first few days disappeared.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean," she shot out. "If everyone else finds out, you're dead weight."

My skin prickled as beads of sweat started forming on my forehead. I could feel them trickle down the side of my face and into the collar of this hideous guard uniform.

"Find out what?"

She let out a small chuckle. "Your Majesty, you have no place in a gang."

I sucked in a breath, but I didn't want to give in to her answer.

"Your Majesty? I don't have a title. Marisole, what are you going on about?"

"I'm surprised no one has caught on yet. You can't even speak without using your formality, Ella Lune. Seriously, Your Majesty, why are you here?"

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