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Marisole didn't say anything else about her correct assumption

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Marisole didn't say anything else about her correct assumption. I did my best to hide my surprise and shrugged off her comment. We went back to the gang and trudged off towards Fortis Crystallum.

Herc made it clear he didn't want to make any more stops until we needed to settle to make camp. I apparently made them waste time, but I only rolled my eyes, to which everyone chuckled at but Herc.

In the short time I've been with them, a routine was forming between Herc and I. He scolded me for something I did, and I dismissed it. It wasn't like he could do much. I wasn't betraying the gang, yet. I was as loyal as a queen could be. He couldn't take drastic measures because of my sarcasm. He could only frown, which he did every time he made eye contact with me.

I know it was un-royal like, but I couldn't help being smug. It thrilled me to know I made a person tick, that he frowned and was bothered due to me. It made me want to laugh loud enough for the entire Universe to hear me.

"Okay, we should take camp somewhere," Herc said.

The sky darkened as more minutes passed. The vermiculo set in the horizon, casting its deep red rays around the deep blue haze.

I always marveled at our star; it burnt a blazing yellow at its highest point but turned a fiery red when it started its descent. Philip taught me it was due to the Inlustris' grip on Caeleste. Most stars only burned a bright yellow, occasionally looking orange as they set.

"Pay attention," Adonis whispered in my ear right as I tripped on a visible root. I bit down on my lips to stop myself from cursing at my own stupidity.

"You have lots to learn." He hovered his hand over the small of my back, telling me to continue following the gang. I shrugged it off and went on, trying hard not to stare at the last bits of the vermiculo that shone through the trees.

Once the red was gone, the sky took on a navy blue hue. I stayed close to Adonis, hoping to stay on track and not get lost. There wasn't a single light guiding us and my desire grew inside my stomach.

It would be so easy to flick my fingers and—

"Let's make camp here," Herc said, interrupting my thoughts. The rest of the gang shuffled about, settling into corners and crevices that I couldn't see myself. My desire almost suffocated me.

Using my hands, I dug up a small steep hole I could get comfortable in. For some reason I was reminded of the animals that lurked around Solennes Jubar, doing the exact thing to sleep for the night.

Was that what I was now? A wild animal?

"So Ella," a voice vibrated behind me. I looked up at Jax's familiar freckled face as he knelt down to help me dig my bed. "I don't think we've all shared our tragic stories."

"No," I said. "But I'm sure you all have plenty to share." I recalled Marisole's story about being left in a box and shuddered. I knew there was more suffering locked up inside of all of them. 

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