Wish Upon the Stars

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This was it.

Today was the very last day I could be a kid. The last day I would be free to do as I pleased.

Tomorrow I will turn 18. I will become a legal adult and be matched with the one person my parents have arranged for me to be with ever since I was born.

Did I like this? No. I hated every second of it. I didn't need to be forced to be with someone... I have and love Jeremy.

Jeremy is my boyfriend. He has been ever since freshman year and I love him very much, however he understands what's being forced to happen.

When Jeremy came over and he met my parents for the first time in my freshman year, they sat him down with me and told him exactly what was to happen with me when I turn 18. He was completely fine with it. That's true love! Someone who doesn't let others stop them!

I should be free to love and be with who I want!

I hate my parents for doing this to me. I hate the idea, I hate the thought, I hate everything about it!

I don't care how traditional this arranged marriage is, I sure as hell won't be happy. I just know it.


The final bell of the day rang in my school, just as I collected my books and was headed for my locker.

"I can't believe you're actually leaving." One of my very best friends Brielle said, coming up to me at my locker.

"I can't believe it either." I sighed.

I shoved the few contents that were in my locker into my backpack, cleaning it out for whoever was taking it once I left.

"I'm not leaving for forever you know." I said as shut my locker and faced my blonde friend.

"Yeah but you're leaving this school and we won't see you for a while." My other best friend Piper said as she walked towards us.

"Guys for all you know I'm staying right here in Scranton." I slung my purple backpack over my shoulder. "Let's just have fun tonight, okay guys?" I smiled at them.

I walked down the hallway with Brielle and Piper following close behind me.
We got to Brielle's car and a certain person that could bring my mood up instantly was already waiting there for me.

"Hi baby." Jeremy said as he brought my lips to his.

"Hello, my love." I responded. I pecked his lips one more time before throwing my backpack into the trunk and getting into the back seat with Jeremy.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Jeremy asked the two girls sitting in the front seats once we were driving.

"We're going to a party, obviously." Piper said flipper her long brown hair over her shoulder.

"Alright just drop me off, I need to get ready." He told Brielle. She nodded and then drove down the route we took everyday.

"See you in an hour babe, I love you." I said to Jeremy as he got out of the car at his house.

"I love you too." He said as he shut the door and headed up his driveway.

I sighed once we started driving again and leaned my head back on the seat, closing my eyes in the process.

"I'm going to miss being with him." I said to no one in particular, even though both my best friends obviously heard me loud and clear.

"We know you love him Abby, but you knew this was going to happen." Brielle said keeping her eyes on the road.

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