part 3- u n00b

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JinJin3: What?? Really??

Rapmon1: Wait... I didn't get anything out of it. It just broke.

JhopeJ: With what kind of pickaxe do you use?

Rapmon1: Just a normal one.

Everyone: (sigh)

Suga22: Does it happen to be gray?

Rapmon1: Yeah.

Kim.Tae: Hyung, you can't-

JinJin3: I think it's best if we let it be.

N.V16: This is really sad. You guys know that?

Kookie.K: All I got from mining is like 4 iron ores and 38 coal.

N.V16: Now I feel pitty for you.

Kookie.K: Oh my god, guys! She has feelings after all!

N.V16: Chim? You've been pretty quiet. Are you okay?

Chim12: I f-found 12 diamonds and a few m-more things... I hope you d-don't mind....

Kookie.K: Good job, hyung!

Kim.Tae: Niceeeee.

Later, after we got back up to the surface and to my "mansion", Chim made himself a full diamond gear with all of the diamonds he found. Yes, he found many diamonds. Cool, right?
We didn't even notice when three hours passed by and it was already my bed time.

What? My favorite sport is napping and sleeping.

But just before I logged off...

Rapmon1: I still don't get it.

JhopeJ: What is it?

Rapmon1: Why didn't I get any diamonds? My pickaxe is just fine!!!


Chim12: G-Good night N.V!

N.V16: Good night. And if there's an apocalypse, good luck.

JinJin3: (windshield laughter)

N.V16 has logged off.

They we're pretty nice...

I mean! Um!
They weren't too bad, but you can never know. They could be conspiring against me right now!

Next time I'll see them, I should be a little more carefull.
And I will be.

Oh, who am I kidding??? I'm too awkward to just stop talking to them!
Luckily, they didn't add me. So they don't know where to find me... For now.

I think I'm just going to have to think of a plan... I mean?

What if they're actually a 50 years old ugly perverted people who just want to-

No. Don't think about these things again. I've had enough stress from it already.

I pulled the covers over my body and fell into a deep slumber.

In the morning, there was school, as usual. I was doing Physics and Computer Science. Both of them are really easy for me.

After getting my A+ test in Physics back I quickly ran back home.

Guess why?

N.V16 has joined the realm.

Suga22: Fucking finally.

N.V16: Woah, hey. W-what are you doing here?

Suga22: Thats a good question... But why are you stuttering? You sound like J-... Like Chim.

N.V16: None of your business.

Suga22: Whatever.

Suga22 has sent you a friend request.

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