part 16- Kim Taco.

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N.V16 has joined the realm

Kim.Tae: heyo N.V. How are you?

N.V16: Hey. I'm just fine.

Kim.Tae: I missed you so much...

N.V16: I was only gone for a day, chill your hormones down. Where's everyone else?

Kim.Tae: Ouch. Why so mean? And they're just a little busy.

N.V16: Do you know Minecraft has become a cool thing again?

Kim.Tae: Yeah... So now it can't be our thing anymore.

N.V16: Shut up, Kim. Minecraft will always be my thing.

Kim.Tae: Do you have any other things that are your things?

N.V16: Music.

Kim.Tae: Any other things?

N.V16: Eating. Sleeping. Breathing. What else do I need?

Kim.Tae: Lets get back to music.

N.V16: You're mean, Kim.

Kim.Tae: Why do you keep calling me 'Kim'?

N.V16: How am I supposed to call you?

Kim.Tae: Call me V.

N.V16: Nope. No. I won't call you V and you won't call yourself V either, yoy hear me?

Kim.Tae: WhAT WhY!

N.V16: Because! People here call me 'N.V' and it would be so confusing to have another 'V' here. So (bitch finger snapping) that ain't happening.

Kim.Tae: That was such a bitchy move (bursts into laughter)

N.V16: Mmhm I know. (finger snap) (finger snap). So how am I supposed to call you?

Kim.Tae: What do you think? Look at my player tag.

N.V16: Ta-Eh. You want me to call you Ta-Eh?

Kim.Tae: No no. It's Tae.

N.V16: Ta-ee.

Kim.Tae: Tae.

N.V16: Kim.

Kim.Tae: nO.

N.V16: Sorry Te-ah.

Kim.Tae: It's Tae.

N.V16: Ta-o... Taco.

Kim.Tae: Tae!

N.V16: Can I just call you Taco?

Kim.Tae: TAE

N.V16: Kim Taco. Taco Kim.

Kim.Tae: Are you even listening to me?

N.V16: Taco-Kim... Tac-... TacKim!!! Wait no it sounds like 'attack him'...

Kim.Tae: Taehyung!

N.V16: what's Taehyung?

Kim.Tae: (gulp) That's my name...

N.V16: cool name. Do you want me to call you 'Taehyung'?

Kim.Tae: I would l-like that...

N.V16: You got it, Kim.

Kim.Tae: You're so mean!

Kim.Tae has left the realm

N.V16: (laughs) What a sensitive bitch.

N.V16: Three..

N.V16: Two...

N.V16: One...

Kim.Tae has joined the realm

Kim.Tae: I'm back, my main hoe!

N.V16: Heyyyy. (Laughs)

Kim.Tae: I came back because you begged me to.

N.V16: (rolls eyes.) Wow, great thing I begged.

Kim.Tae: Now I know another thing you'd be begging for...

N.V16: Food?

Kim.Tae: Damn right! I can buy you with food.

N.V16: I hate to say it, but you're right.

Kim.Tae: When we meet, I will buy you any sort of food and as much as you want.

NV16: I would kiss you. Right on the lips. I would give you a whole makeout session. Tongue and everything.

Kim.Tae: No shirt?

N.V16: If I feel like it.

Kim.Tae: Sounds like a fair deal.

N.V16: I don't know...

Kim.Tae: And cuddles.


N.V16: Haha! Sucker! I basically just eat and sleep the whole time!

Kim.Tae: Well I get to cuddle you to sleep and watch you eat so I don't mind.

N.V16: You're creepy as duck.

N.V16: well anyway, I got my gear here with me.

Kim.Tae: Gear?

N.V16: Yeah, I got music gear. It's professional. I even got a kazoo.


Kim.Tae: My ears!

N.V16: And my beautiful piano. Which you already know. And many other stuff. Likemy guitars: I have a classic guitar, an electric guitar, bass guitar. I also got ukulele-

Kim.Tae: Isn't that like a tiny guitar.

N.V16: No Taehyung it is not a tiny guitar. It's different than a guitar.

Kim.Tae: How?

N.V16: Google it.

Kim.Tae: Meanie. What else do you have?

N.V16: A violi-

Kim.Tae: That's just another kind of guitar.

N.V16: Now you're the mean one

Kim.Tae: Would you like to jam a little?

N.V16: Nice save... Sure. What chords?

Kim.Tae: Whatever you want.

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