[10] Back to SC

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The two girls were sitting outside of Luke's office, he told them to wait there for him and he'll be out in a minute.
"So you know how primary colours work right?" Brittany asked Santana tilting her head to look at her as she did.

"Yea why?" Santana asked doing the same so they were looking at each other.
"Wanna make purple?" Brittany raised
an eyebrow at Santana as she asked
"No I'm mad at you"
"But you would if you weren't?"
Santana opened her mouth to answered but closes it again when the office door opened.

Luke popped his head out and called them into it.
"I know you were just trying to have some fun, but that's why we have our group activities. personally I strongly believe Santana did not start this little paint war." He looked at the girls and they nodded

"Right so, Santana you can leave and go get cleaned up I need to talk to Brittany alone"
Santana got up and left the room.
"Brittany what's going on with you?
We are here to help you, but you don't let us. I think you need some more time to figure out what you need from us"

Brittany who was previously looking at her hands, picking at her nail beds snapped her head up.
"Wait not I swear I'll take the meds I'll talk in circle"
"Brittany you said that last time, this worked before it'll work again.
I'm trying to help you. We'll only do three days instead of five"

Brittany got up "you're still full of shit you know, you say you want to help.
Well help, I want to die okay? What don't you get about that!? Just send me home for God's sake" she had tears streaming down her face when she left the room running down the hall to her room.

Santana jumped up from her bed when Brittany ran in, "what's wrong"
Before she could answer Luke and few other nurses came into the room.
"No" Brittany cried she tried to push them away but they were stronger then her. Picking her up hey left the room.

Santana wanted to scream, to grab Brittany to do anything. but she was frozen in place, her feet felt like they weighed a hundred pounds. The door swung  closed and Santana ran out the room looking down the hallway but they were gone.

Brittany had been to solitary twice before. The first was when she first came and the second was after Veronica left. When she came she was refusing to talk to anyone, to participate in activities and for two days wouldn't eat.

When Veronica was around Brittany was making some serious progress,
Veronica was very patient with Brittany and took any insults she threw at her.
Veronica wouldn't leave the table until Brittany had finished eating and wouldn't go to bed until she went and said goodnight to Brittany.

Helping Brittany helped Veronica and she left earlier then planned,
When she left Brittany spiralled.

The Solitary room was bare except for the bed and a table. The person- in this case Brittany, Who stayed in the room stayed there for 20 hours of the day the other four they used to eat, use the phone to call family, watch TV or whatever else they wanted to do.
But they still stayed away from the main group of teens.

They had three hours of their four to choose what they wanted the other hour was for them to talk to Timothy.
Timothy was the psychologist that worked in the MH wing.
He had made some good progress with Brittany when she was in SC before,
That was the reason Luke felt like sending her back would be beneficial. 

"Tina, Tina!" Santana ran into the Rec room calling out for the girl.
"Santana? Santana?" Tina asked when Santana ran over to her.
"Brittany- Brittany.."
"What's with the double names?"
"They- she- isn't- paint and then trouble, yelling now gone"
Santana all out if breathe managed to stutter out.

Tina and Kurt looked at each other
"Solo" they mouthed to each other and looked at Santana.

"Welcome to the joy of being a friend of Brittany Susan Pierce" Tina said and Santana looked at her confused.

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