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Yoongi takes Luna away by the arm.

"We can't ever get back together. What the fuck was that. YOU'RE FUCKING SICK IN THE HEAD!" Yoongi rants.

Jimin picks himself off of the floor. Everyone in the gym looks at him.

He rushes out of the room crying.

He goes into the changing rooms and grabs his things.

Then he goes into the bathroom. He locks himself in a cubical and just bursts out crying.

He grabs a blade and goes over his old cuts. These are for sure going to scar.

He goes deeper than before as his hands tremble.

Then he puts tissue over the cuts.

He gets changed back into his uniform and wears his hoodie.

He flushes away the tissues and leaves the bathroom puffy and blood shot eyes.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asks as soon as he sees Jimin.

Jimin nods even though both of them know he's lying. Jimin walks past Yoongi upset.

Yoongi catches Jimin's arm to turn round.

Jimin yelps out in pain and yanks his arm from Yoongi.

Then he runs off to class.

As soon as he sees Taehyung, he sits next to him.

"Hey what's wrong?" Taehyung asks.

Jimin just cries more. Taehyung hugs Jimin and pats his head. He strokes it soothingly making Yoongi a little jealous.

He watches the two feeling guilty.

"Jimin I'm really sorry. I didn't know she would say that or even show up" Yoongi confesses.
"You told her" Jimin mumbles.

Yoongi nods and hangs his head.

"My mum told me" Yoongi says.

Nobody has heard Jimin yell. His voice is normally just a whisper.

Yoongi looks at the sobbing boy with wide eyes.

"I'll drive you back home tonight. I'm seriously sorry chim chim" Yoongi says.
"I would rather walk" Jimin mumbles.

Yoongi nods and goes and sits back down.

Yoongi can't shake Jimin from his head. He heard him yell out in pain.

What's wrong with his arm?

Yoongi just can't think straight. Everything just comes back to Jimin.

He keeps on telling himself that he is straight and each time he thinks of Jimin's plump lips and how he might taste.

Jungkook watches Yoongi. He sees how he keeps on looking over at Jimin.

It makes Jungkook confused.

He decides to settle his thoughts but that means upsetting Jimin. Oh well.

Jungkook stands up.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asks.

Jungkook just smirks back.

He grabs Jimin's arm making Jimin whimper under his touch.

"What do you want?" Jimin asks as he removes Jungkook's arm.

Jungkook laughs.

"Fatty" he says.

Jimin just looks at him brokenly.

"You are gay aren't you?" Jungkook sneers.

Jimin doesn't answer.

"Have you gotten shy?" Jungkook asks sarcastically.
"Kook that's enough" Yoongi hisses.

Jungkook looks between the two.

"Yoongi do you like him?" Jungkook asks.

He exposes Yoongi to the whole class that has gotten quiet now.

"No I don't"
"Then why do you care?"
"I have to look out for him as he's staying at my place for a while"

Jungkook laughs.

"So that he can get in your pants? Oi Jimin, he's straight. Got that into your fat brain? He's fucking straight. He's not yours and he never will be"

Jimin nods.

"I don't like him anyway" Jimin mumbles.
"Fatty, nobody likes you. You're a nobody. A looser. You mean nothing to anyone"
"I know" Jimin says.

Taehyung stands up.

"There isn't anything wrong with being gay. You would know that. You're probably the gayest person in this class" Taehyung exposes Jungkook.

Everyone looks at Jungkook.

"I have photos of you with guys so don't come to Jimin again unless you want me to leak them. I will. I would support my friend no matter what. Go learn how to be a better friend. A better person" Taehyung states.

The whole class bursts into 'Oooooohs'.

Taehyung sits back down proudly. He looks at Yoongi who has a cold hard expression.

"Oh and by the way fatty, Jungkook is right. Nobody likes you. Why don't you go and kill yourself. You would be doing us all a favour" Luna says.

Nobody knows what to say. It's really awkward.

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now