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It got awkward between Kirsty and Jungkook.

Taehyung just stood there as the two glared daggers at one another. Jungkook hates people that talk badly about Tae. She did!

"So how did you guys meet?" Jungkook asks stiffly.

She chuckles and glares at Tae.

"Maybe you should tell that one? Save it for a bedtime story?" She teases Tae.

Taehyung scowls at her.

"Oh relax you big baby. I'm just pulling your tail" she says to Tae. "Stop pulling such an ugly face"

She pinches Taehyung's cheeks making Tae pout.

"Jungkook...right?" She asks.
"Yeah?" Jungkook answers.
"Would it be alright if I talk to Tae out back privately for a few minutes. I don't mean to intrude on your date but it has been a while since I last saw him and I have a few situations to deal with"

Jungkook turns his icy gaze off of Kirsty and looks at Taehyung with warmth.

"Baby what do you want to do?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung looks between Jungkook and Kirsty. Her cocky gaze makes him feel sick but he knows she can spill dark secrets of his.

"Can.......can I have 5 minutes with her. For old times sake?" Taehyung asks Jungkook.
"Anything you need baby"

She walks away and Taehyung goes to follow her but is held back slightly by Jungkook's grip.

Taehyung turns round confused as to why he is being held back.

"Be careful" Jungkook warns him. "She gives me a bad vibe"
"I'll be ok. See you later baby"

Taehyung hands Jungkook the bubble teas and places them on the empty table next to him.

Jungkook places his hands on Tae's waste and looks at the latter lovingly.

Then he pulls Taehyung in a deep kiss before sitting down and drinking his bubble tea.

"Keep my bubble tea safe for when I get back" Taehyung says over his shoulder as he walks over to Kirsty.

They leave the shop together and walk down a deserted side street.

"So what did you want to speak about then?" Taehyung asks leaning against the wall.
"Oh that's the V I knew. Always straight to the point. Cold and closed up"

Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Get to the point!"

She takes a packet of cigarettes out of her pocket and places one In between her red shiny lips.

Then she holds out one for Tae.

"I don't smoke anymore" Taehyung says.

She rolls her eyes and places the cigar between his lips before lighting them both.

"I said no" Taehyung told her.
"But you didn't mean it. Remember, I know you better than anyone else"
"Is that right?"

She laughs haughtily.

"I see the rope burnt across your throat has healed. What about your wrists?"
"The cuts weren't deep"
"Not there they weren't. But what about your thighs? Waking up in that hospital room, not even a card from anyone. How sad!"

Taehyung glares at her.

"You knew my parents didn't care for me"
"Correct. But I always cared for you even though they didn't. When you tried to hang yourself, I stopped you before it was too late. When you cut so deep into your thighs, I went to hospital to visit you. I was always there for you"
"You're evil"

Taehyung walks down the alley way and draws hard on his cigarette.

"I was like a sister to you" she says.
"I left that school because of you. You got me into cigarettes, selfharming and alcohol. Yeah I was an emo before you approached me, but you caused me to think being like that was normal. You embraced the bad parts of me and shut out the good"

She glares at Taehyung.

"I did nothing of the sort. I'm good for you. Come back Tae. You can even live at mine" she suggests.

Taehyung throws the cigarette to the floor and stamps on it.

"You're like an addiction, so fucking bad for me" Taehyung spits. "But I'm happy now. That's because I don't know you anymore"

Taehyung goes to walk past but she grabs hold onto his arm.

"You're poisonous!" He hisses.

Then he yanks his arm out if her grasp going back to the safety of Jungkook.

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now