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Yoongi doesn't know what to say. His mouth goes dry.

"What the fuck? Jimin?" Yoongi asks.
"Just leave me alone"

Jimin yanks down his sleeve.


Jimin can see tears rolling down Yoongi's cheeks. It's unlike him to cry.

"I'm fine. It hasn't got anything to do with you" Jimin snaps.

That's when Yoongi looses it. All control. Just........gone.

Yoongi kisses Jimin. On the lips.

It's a passionate, needy kiss.

"You're straight Yoongi" Jimin says.
"I'm not"

Yoongi kisses him again.

"It concerns me loads. Don't cut yourself. I like you" Yoongi says. "I'm supposed to be straight and I like you"

Yoongi kisses Jimin again. Even more passionately. He needs him. He needs Jimin.

He starts pulling Jimin's neck to get him to react to the kiss.

Jimin pulls away. He wants this. He wants Yoongi but he just won't respond to the kiss.

Yoongi pulls Jimin's waste and wraps an arm around him.

"Fuck, Jimin you're so skinny" Yoongi says.
"I'm fine"
"I bet Namjoon hyung or Taehyung could get their hands around your waste"

Jimin shrugs and walks away and out of the house.

He doesn't know where he's going, but he knows he needs to escape from the house for a while.


When Jimin returns, Yoongi is still awake. It's about 2am. Yoongi sits on Jimin's bed with blood shot eyes.

When Jimin comes in, Yoongi rushes over and hugs him tightly.

"Where were you?" Yoongi scolds.
"Just out"

Jimin walks past Yoongi coldly and goes into the bathroom. He has a shower because he just worked out.

He looks in the mirror at his sinking in stomach.

Visually Jimin doesn't mind how he looks but in the scale he is really angry.

7.6 stone.

He looks at his well built thighs and his strong looking arms.

All he sees is a fat bastard.

He decides he needs to loose a few more pounds by the end of the week.

When he gets out of the bathroom, he's wearing joggers and a hoodie.

Constantly he's cold.

"Jimin are you trying to kill yourself?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin flinches at Yoongi's words.

"What's it to you? It's not your problem and none of your business" Jimin says.
"Just please answer my question"

Jimin shrugs. He's being truthful.

He wants to look how he expects but equally death doesn't scare him.

"Please don't do this to yourself. Jimin you need help" Yoongi says.

His voice is soft and sweet.

"I'm fine. Please just leave me alone" Jimin begs.
"I can't leave you alone. I don't want you to be hurting yourself"
"You already know you're too late"

Yoongi shakes his head.

"I'm not letting you hurt yourself"

Jimin just nods.

He lies down in bed and grabs a blanket over himself, Yoongi climbs in next to him.

He wraps his arms around Jimin's waste.

"What are you doing?" Jimin questions in a whisper.
"Hugging you. You're quite clearly cold"

Jimin nods.

Then he snuggles into Yoongi's arms.

"I know you're going to be mean to me tomorrow" Jimin whispers. "But it's ok. I just want to enjoy this moment for now"

Yoongi doesn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry chim chim"
"It's ok. Just let me be happy now"

Yoongi nods and pecks Jimin's forehead.

"I'm sorry for coming onto you so strongly earlier. I just couldn't control my hormones" Yoongi confides.

Jimin only nods.

"Jimin I can't stand the thought of you hurting yourself. Please don't"

Jimin just snuggles into Yoongi's body.

"Please just let me be happy for now. I don't want to fight" Jimin begs.

Yoongi can feel his top getting wet. He knows Jimin is crying.

"Starving yourself and harming doesn't make you happy does it?" Yoongi says confidently. "Stop it. Get some help. You need it"

Yoongi rubs Jimin's weak back.

"I don't need help. Nothing's wrong with wanting to be a better version of myself" Jimin mumbles.
"But you're not a better version. Chim chim I liked you how you were before"
"Tough. That Jimin is gone. For good!"

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now