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Yoongi doesn't blame Jimin. Not for a single thing.

"I-i am sorry for not eating. I was being stupid. I was just upset thing about my eomma and....and i-i-i'm sorry for everything" Jimin sobs.

Yoongi listens to Jimin's confession and just holds him tighter.

"This isn't your fault. I should of listened to you about your eomma rather than forced you to eat. Taehyung has taught me about body language and I need to understand that" Yoongi says. "I promise you chimmie I will protect you no matter what. I won't let them have you again no matter if we are in an argument or not"

Jimin nods and hugs Yoongi tighter.

They both sit in silence for a while just hugging.

"Let's get you in the bath then" Yoongi suggests.
"Thank you......can I have help?" Jimin asks shyly a blush evident of his cheeks.

Yoongi nods.

Yoongi fills up the bath and Jimin sits on the toilet seat. Yoongi puts bubble bath in it and a bath bomb.

Once the bath is filled and the water is at a good temperature, he stops the water.

Then he turns to Jimin.

"Do you need help getting undressed?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin nods shyly and blushes like crazy.

Yoongi only smiles.

He takes the edge of the top in his hands and pulls up to show Jimin's toned abs.

Yoongi likes the way Jimin looks. It would be better if he put on some weight but he does look beautiful no matter what Jimin thinks of himself.

Yoongi looks at the bruises on Jimin's chest and the big nasty bruise on one side of his ribs.

He looks at the cuts on him and how deep some of the gashes are.

"Jimin I know you won't like this, but I think tomorrow you need to let Jin look at your cuts. He will need to treat them" Yoongi suggests.
"W-what?" Jimin stammers.
"I'm sorry but you need to. Jin can help you. He's a good person"

Jimin nods.

"Ok fine"
"I'll stay with you" Yoongi says. "Jin can sort out your cuts and I'll hold your hand to whole time"

Jimin is really quick to shake his head.

"N-no. Just Jin" Jimin quickly rejects.

Yoongi feels a little hurt. He wonders if Jimin trusts him.

"O-oh....." Yoongi says.
"It's just what happened......with the people that took me. There were two people" Jimin admits.

Yoongi understands it now.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to push you. I just thought you would want the support" Yoongi says feeling a little bit guilty.

Jimin shakes his head.

"I'm sorry. I know you were trying to be nice. It is just.......it's really hard. I don't even know who I am anymore. It scares me badly" Jimin sobs.

Yoongi holds Jimin in his chest.

"I can't magically make things ok or even say that I understand because I don't. I can't relate to what you're going through because I haven't ever been through this. But I can promise you that things will get better. I swear it will. I will help you feel better. I won't let you suffer any more than you have to. Chimmie I promise I will do whatever I can to take the pain away. I know the pain will always be there but I will do my best to make it as minimal as possible" Yoongi states.

Jimin is already in tears. That was sweet. Beautiful even.

Yoongi cuddles him and wipes away his tears.

"Let's get you in the bath" Yoongi says.

Yoongi doesn't do well in situations where he has to connect to his emotions. Still, he want to help Jimin and to do that he has to connect with his emotions. It's the only way to help him.

Yoongi takes off Jimin's shorts leaving him in his boxers.

"Can I?" Yoongi asks pointing to Jimin's boxers.

Jimin takes a deep breath before nodding.

Yoongi takes Jimin's boxers off and helps him into the bath.

Jimin hisses in pain from the water getting into his cuts. Once he's used to it he relaxes.

"Please don't leave"
"Wasn't planning to"

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now