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Jimin looks at all the boys around him that are comforting him.

"What would I do without you guys?" Jimin asks.
"Suffer because there is only one Jin" Jin says confidently.

Jimin giggles. All the boys smile hearing his giggle. He's cute.

"Can we play a game?" Jungkook asks.
"Shouldn't we be going back to bed?" Namjoon asks.
"But I don't want to sleep. I want to have fun"

In the end all the boys agree.

"So what are we playing?" Taehyung asks.
"Truth or dare?" Jungkook suggests.
"Ok sure" Jimin agrees.

They go round in a circle.

"Namjoon truth or dare?" Jin asks.

"Pussy" Jungkook sneers jokingly.

"Alright joonie, what age did you loose your virginity?" Jin asks.

Yoongi fake coughs.

"Is that appropriate consider what is going on with Jimin?" Yoongi snaps.
"No it's ok. Seriously. I prefer if things went back to normal"

Yoongi gives him a look.

"I'm serious" Jimin pouts.
"Ok fine" Yoongi says with a deep sigh.

"Ok I lost my virginity last year" Namjoon admits shyly.

Some of the boys giggle.

"Alright Hobie the homeless horse face truth or dare?" Namjoon asks.
"HEY!" Hoseok yells pouting.

All the boys crack up laughing.

"Homeless horse?" Jimin giggles wiping an imaginary tear.
"Classic hyung" Jungkook giggles.

Jimin pants from laughing so hard and rests his head on Yoongi's shoulder. It makes Yoongi blush.

"Truth or dare?" Namjoon repeats.
"Dare!" Hoseok decides.
"I dare you to.................kiss the most handsome guy in this room" Namjoon decides.
"I'm straight"

Namjoon only shrugs.

Hoseok bites his lip before his eyes land on Taehyung's.

Hoseok sighs before leaning Infront of Taehyung.

"May I?" He asks.

Hoseok leans in and locks his lips with Taehyung's. The kiss was only ment to be quick but Jin and Namjoon had other ideas.

They try to pull away but Namjoon holds the back of Taehyung's head to stop him and Jin does the same to Hoseok.

Then they finally are able to pull away. Hoseok is blushing like crazy and so is Taehyung.

"Did you enjoy the kiss?" Namjoon asks Taehyung.
"No. You guys forced us to kiss" he pouts.

Jimin looks over at Jungkook who has his tounge poking on the inside of his cheek. He's pissed. And jealous.

"Anyway Yoongi truth or dare?" Hoseok asks.
"Umm dare obviously" Yoongi says confidently.

Hoseok smirks.

"I dare you to give the hottest guy in this room a hickey" Hoseok says.
"You have to do it"

Yoongi bites his lip and looks at Jimin.

"Can I? It's ok if you don't want me to. I can give someone else one" Yoongi says.
"You can" Jimin says. "I trust you"
"Are you sure?"

Jimin nods.

"You can tell me if you want me to stop ok? You're in control" Yoongi let's Jimin know.
"I understand"

Yoongi leans so his breath is fanning Jimin's neck. It gives Jimin goosebumps.

Yoongi pecks Jimin's neck. He waits a few seconds to see if Jimin reacts badly.

When he doesn't, Yoongi starts sucking on his neck.

He can feel Jimin's breath hitch.

Jimin bites his lip to stop himself from moaning.

When Yoongi sucks on Jimin's sweet spot, Jimin moans a little. It makes Yoongi smirk.

He sucks on his neck a little bit more. He knows the hickey will last a while.

He licks over the spot a final time before removing his lips from Jimin's neck.

He looks at Jimin's furiously blushing face and it makes him chuckle.

"What?" Jimin pouts.
"Sorry, you just looked cute" Yoongi confesses.

It makes Jimin blush again and hide his face in his hands.

"Yoongi he's whipped" Jungkook says.

Yoongi chuckles as Jungkook does some whipping motions.

"So chimmie truth or dare?" Yoongi asks raising a brow.

Yoongi smirks.

"I dare you to lick whipped cream off the hottest guys chest in the room" Yoongi says.

It makes Jimin groan.

"You don't have to do it chimmie. If you feel uncomfortable" Yoongi says.
"No I actually want to do it. That's why I'm groaning" Jimin confesses.

Taehyung goes downstairs and returns with a can of squirted cream.

"Who do you choose?" Taehyung asks.


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