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(Back at Jimin and Yoongi's shared house)

Everyone has left the house besides Taehyung. He sits there staring at a blank wall tears constantly rolling down his red cheeks.

He makes no sound however.

If anyone saw him at that moment, their heart would break. He looks so vunerable, scared even. Of what, you may ask, he doesn't even know himself.

His heart is breaking quicker than he ever thought it would and it hurts. Badly. Really badly.

His phones starts ringing from inside his back pocket of his jeans. That's when the first sob is released.

"Please stop" he mumbles.

He cries harder than before. His phone constantly running in the background.

He lets it ring. The sound echoing in his ears. He doesn't hear it however.


Only the vibrations in his back pocket snap him out of his daze.

He looks at the caller ID.

My kookie💜

He puts a shaky finger on the answer button and tries to calm down his breathing.

"Heyyyyyy baby" Jungkook says.

When he only gets silence, he coughs.

"Baby can you hear me?"

Taehyung quickly ends the call before texting him.

Tae bae 💜
Hey babe sorry I don't think you could hear me.

Taehyung knows it was a lie but he isn't in the mood. Jungkook would know instantly if he had been crying just by the sound of his voice.

My kookie💜
That's ok babe.
Me and Hobie have gone to a food fair do you want to join?

Tae bae💜
No thanks
I might visit my parents today

My kookie💜
I didn't think you guys were close

Tae bae💜
We aren't

My kookie💜
Then why are you going to them rather than a food fair?
Don't you want to hang out with me?
Is something wrong?

Tae bae💜
Nothings wrong
I just need to see my parents for a while
Have fun with Hobie

My kookie💜
Text me if you change your mind

Tae bae💜
Alright bye x

My kookie 💜
Bye baby X

Taehyung throws his phone down on to the ground.

It cracks.

"FUCKING HELL!" Taehyung yells, the tears constantly falling from his eyes. "I actually fucking hate myself" he sobs.

Quickly he stands up and rubs his eyes. He plans on seeing his parents, like he told Jungkook, but by no means will this be a happy trip. Not at all!

He walks out of the door in his Nike trainers and a black hoodie.

His eyes are red and blotchy and his lip is bright red from biting it.

He covers half his face with a mask and tries hiding then rest of it under the hood of his jacket.

He walks over to the nearest bus stop and sits on the floor waiting for the next bus. Luckily he has his bus card in his pocket.

About 1-2 hours later the bus pulls up.

Taehyung pulls his shaking self up from off of the floor and dusts down his pants before stepping into the bus.

He shows his pass to the bus driver before sitting at the seat in the back corner.

He pulls his knees into his chest allowing his head to rest on them.

His tears roll continuously down his cheeks and he rubs his nose sniffing a little in the process.

A lady who happened to get onto the bus just after Taehyung did, looks over at the fragile boy.

She can feel her whole heart breaking. He looks so sad, vunerable and just dismal.

It saddens her to think a boy as young as him could be so sad. She comes to the conclusion he must be under alot of stress and in pain.

"Hey sir. Are you ok?" The lady asks.
"I'm fine" Taehyung flashes her a false smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
"Then why are you crying?"

Taehyung shrugs.

"No offence but I don't believe that's anything of your concern" Taehyung says politely.
"I'm just worried for you"

Taehyung smiles fakely.

"Don't be. I'll do just fine on my own. Always have done and always will do"

The bus pulls over and Taehyung gets off.

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now