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Yoongi and Jimin wake up next to eachother in the morning.

Jimin moves closer to Yoongi and Yoongi pulls him closer.

Yoongi caresses Jimin's blond hair and runs his fingers through his curls.

Jimin hums in pleasure.

Then he starts to move out of Yoongi's arms.

Yoongi watches Jimin sit up and ruffle his bed hair. His hair looks cute and fluffy.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi pouts.
"We have school today"
"So what? Why don't we just stay back?"

Jimin shakes his head.

"We need to go. People would get suspicious"
"So what? I just want to cuddle with you today"

Jimin shakes his head and goes into his wardrobe. He takes out a top and puts it on.

"You look cute in that top" Yoongi compliments.

Jimin just shyly smiles.

Yoongi catches a glance at Jimin's arm. It's covered with scars.

Yoongi pouts.

"You can talk to me. About anything. You know that right?" Yoongi asks.
"S-sure" Jimin stutters.

Then he puts on super skinny jeans. They are baggy on him.

Jimin decides that after school he might have to buy women's jeans. Maybe they will fit him.

"You're too skinny" Yoongi states.

Jimin just shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair.

Yoongi almost drools at the sight.

Jimin puts a cream jumper on. The jeans are black.

The weather is getting colder so Jimin appreciates the jumper.

Yoongi goes into Jimin's cupboard. He grabs out some matching jeans and a top.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asks.
"I'm wearing your things. This way you will be able to see how skinny you are"

Yoongi puts on the clothes and rakes his hair back.

"I look pretty cool" Yoongi says. "I like your style and it smells nice"

Jimin smiles a small little smile.

"This is how your clothes should look on you. The jeans shouldn't be baggy chim chim" Yoongi stresses.
"I'm fine"

They both leave for school.

Yoongi walks slowly and Jimin does too. When they get to school, Jimin heads straight to his locker.

Yoongi goes to his on the other side of school.

"Yoongi you look different today" Jungkook says.
"Yeah I know"
"It's a cute style but why do you look a little bit like Jimin?"

Yoongi shrugs not wanting him to know.

Jimin unlocks his locker but he sees a blade.

He picks up the blade to see a note attached to it. Once he reads the note, his breath almost stops.

Fatty boy, use this blade and go do us all a favour. Just kill yourself already. You're a waste of breath and a nobody. Just go die already.

Jimin feels tears in the corners of his eyes. They are right, he decides.

He goes off into the bathroom and goes even deeper over his cuts.

He whines in pain as the metal cuts his skin.

What he doesn't know is Yoongi is in the stall next to him.

He hears crying and whines.

"Jiminie?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin just sobs harder.

Yoongi starts banging on Jimin's cubical door.

"Jimin open this damn door" Yoongi says harshly.

Jimin is sobbing hysterically.

Yoongi shoulder barges into the door and after a few attempts, it pops open.

Yoongi sees Jimin with a blood coated arm.

He holds the blade.

"Jiminie stop" Yoongi begs.

Jimin drops the blade to the floor. The noise of metal on the floor makes Yoongi flinch.

He pulls Jimin into his arms.

He caresses his soft hair.

"What were you thinking? Why did you do that?" Yoongi asks to Jimin's hair.
"It hurts" Jimin cries. "Everything hurts"

Yoongi hugs Jimin like there's no tomorrow.

Then he pecks his head.

"Don't do anything as stupid as that again"
"They want me to die. I shouldn't be alive. They don't want me to be" Jimin sobs.

Yoongi frowns and holds his shoulders.

"Who wants you dead?"

Jimin hands Yoongi the note.

Then he reads it before hugging Jimin tightly.

"They are wrong. I don't want you dead. Please don't kill yourself. You mean something to me. Everything to me. Did Luna write that?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin shrugs.

"Jimin don't do this to yourself. I need you chimmie"

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now