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Jimin and Yoongi walk to the park.

"Are you hungry Jiminie?" Yoongi asks.

He already knows the answer but he thinks he might as well ask anyway.

"Not really hyung" Jimin says. "But we can go get some food if you want. I'll eat something for you"
"Seriously?" Yoongi quirks.
"Yeah. If it makes you happy"
"I hope it makes you happy too"

Jimin smiles a fake smile.

"You know me putting on weight isn't going to please me" he smiles sadly.

Yoongi nods with the same sad smile as Jimin.

He just wants Jimin to be happy again. Yoongi isn't sure if he has ever seen Jimin genuinely happy.

He isn't sure if Jimin has been happy since he moved to this place.

Yoongi locks their hands and swings them backwards and forwards. It makes Jimin giggle.

"Should we go to the cafè on the corner over there?" Yoongi asks.

Yoongi excitedly takes Jimin over to the cafè.

"Jiminie I know you don't want to eat but I'm going to need you to eat a small amount. For me. Only something small. That's all I ask" Yoongi begs.

Jimin hesitantly nods. He doesn't want to disappoint Yoongi. He means too much to him.

They sit down in a booth opposite one another.

Yoongi looks at the menu before handing it to Jimin.

Jimin feels sick looking at all the food. The calories make him dizzy.

No bacon because salt is bad for you!
No bread because it's a carb!
No pudding because of the sugar!
No fizzy drinks because of the fat!

Jimin sighs. He doesn't know what he can eat.

'maybe I could throw up? No that's not fair on Yoongi'

Jimin grunts and sighs.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asks.
"Yeah I'm just not sure what I can eat"
"You can eat anything but are you trying to be healthy?"

Jimin nods.

"You can get the salad with steak as the protein is good for you" Yoongi says.
"It will make me fat"
"It won't. Trust me. I'm not trying to force you to put on weight even though you need to. I'm serious that steak is good for you. If you eat enough of it, it will really help you"

Jimin nods. Maybe Yoongi is right.

"Ok I'll eat that then. And I'll have water"
"That's good. I'm glad you're eating Jiminie. You're so beautiful I don't want to ever see you hurting yourself"

Jimin nods.

"I want to get better. Just for you hyung"
"And I want you to get better for us. For your hyungs and kookie but most importantly, for yourself. I want to show you how to love yourself"

Jimin holds Yoongi's hand across the table. Yoongi raises his hand to his lips and pecks it.

"Chimmie I'm proud of you. Really proud" Yoongi says.

Jimin's eyes light up.


Yoongi orders their food before sitting down again. A jug of water is placed on the table as are two cups.

They both talk for a while and then the food comes.

Jimin bites his lip as he looks at the food. His stomach rumbles and he's sure Yoongi can hear it.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin shakes his head as tears roll down his cheeks. His eyes screw up tightly shut.

"I'm sorry" he sobs. "I really want to but........but I can't"
"Let me help you"

Jimin nods. He feels a kiss on his forehead.

"Think of good thoughts. Think of a beach. The gentle waves lapping in and out. You're sitting down on the sand with an ice cream. You're favourite ice cream"

"Rocky road flavour ice cream?"
"Or mint choc chip. Either are good"
"Rocky road is my favourite but it's really unhealthy"

Yoongi sighs.

"Forgot the calories. Just think of the taste. Is it nice?"

Jimin's face relaxes. A small smile is planted on his face.

"Yeah. It's really nice. The sea in the background scenery is really beautiful"
"Think of that ice cream. And in going to need you to trust me"
"Open your mouth"

Jimin does as he is told. Then Yoongi puts a piece of meat in his mouth.

Jimin eats.

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×Pjmحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن