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Jimin's face goes red.

"I was only kidding Yoongi" he says.
"I wasn't. You do look hot in everything"

Jimin giggles and blushes.

"Thank you" he says.

Then he hides himself in his hands.

Yoongi sits down and cuddles him.

"I rather enjoyed you licking the cream off of my chest" Yoongi says.

He's trying to get Jimin as embarrassed as possible.

"I rather enjoyed licking your abs. It's something I would gladly do again" Jimin says flustered.

Then he hides himself in Yoongi's chest embarrassed.

Yoongi chuckles and kisses the top of Jimin's head.

Yoongi can't get over what Jimin said. Where did that confidence come from?

They have a few more rounds of spin the bottle. Only Jin and Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung make out when they leave the room.

Jimin and Yoongi don't get to leave the room together ever. It makes Yoongi and Jimin really sad.

Suddenly Taehyung's phone starts ringing. He excuses himself from the boys.

Everyone starts drinking more.


About an hour later, Taehyung comes back. His eyes look red and blood shot. His face looks blotchy.

"Taehyung what's wrong?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung's eyes widen. Then he shakes his head. He didn't realize Jungkook was going to speak to him.

Taehyung quickly grabs a bottle of Bacardi.

A few bottles later, Taehyung is barely conscious.

"Jiminieeeeeeeee" Taehyung whines.
"Can I have the alcohol backkkkkkkkkk?"

A while ago Jimin took the alcohol away from Taehyung. Ever since he has been whining about wanting it.

Taehyung tries to reach across Jimin for the alcohol.

"Taehyung stop it" Jimin pouts.

Then he feels Taehyung's weight on his lap.

"Lightweight" Jimin chuckles.

Jungkook pulls Taehyung off of Jimin.

"Sorry about this" Jungkook says. "I'm not sure why he's so upset"
"Neither am I"

Jungkook carries Taehyung into the spare bedroom and ends up falling asleep with him.

Then Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok decide to go to bed as well.

Yoongi snuggles down to sleep and Jimin does the same.

He rests his head on Yoongi's chest.

"I'm sorry for waking everyone up" Jimin says guilty.
"That's ok. Are you feeling better for sharing chimmie?"

Jimin nods.

"Don't you hate me?" He asks.

Yoongi sees Jimin's bottom lip is wobbling. He looks like he is about to cry at any second.

"No of course I don't. Why should I hate you?"
"Because I'm dirty. I haven't even finished highschool and I already have lost my virginity"

Yoongi shakes his head.

"You're not dirty and it doesn't matter what age you loose it. All that matters is if you enjoyed it"
"I didn't though" Jimin pouts.
"I know. I can't change what happened but I can help make your future better"

Jimin nods.

"Thank you Yoongi" he smiles.

Yoongi is about to say something but when he hears light snores from the younger, all he does is chuckle.

"Rest well chimmie"


Jimin wakes up to a bad headache. He drank way too much alcohol last night.

His head is spinning.

He looks to the side to see if Yoongi is awake. He isn't there. The space besides him is empty.

Jimin sits up and pouts. Where is he?

Then he notices a glass of water and some paracetamol.

He takes the tablets before walking groggily down stairs.

He sees Taehyung walking downstairs as well.

"Hey Tae" Jimin says drearily.
"Mmhhh hi" he groans out.

They walk downstairs and sit on the sofa next to eachother.

Then Jungkook and Yoongi walk in.

"You guys ok?" Jungkook asks.

Both Jimin and Taehyung shake their heads. Then Taehyung whines when it hurts.

"Why were you drinking so much last night?" Yoongi asks Taehyung.
"I was?"

Everyone nods.

He shrugs.

He takes his phone out of his back pocket at memories start coming back to him. He reads the text message and sighs.

"I don't suppose you have any alcohol left?" He asks.
"Are you an alcoholic?" Jimin asks bluntly.
"Some people never learn after getting drunk" Jungkook sighs.

Taehyung pulls him down to sit on the other side of him. Then he rests his head on his shoulder.

"So you remember we're dating then?" Jungkook asks.
"WAIT WHAT?!" Taehyung yells.

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now