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Jin holds Tae close to him. He can feel Tae's whole body shaking as he sobs.

"It's alright Tae Tae. I've got you. Let it all out" Jin tells him.

"I-I-I. I'm horrible. I've hurt kookie. And disappointed e-everyone" he hiccups.
"I'm sure you haven't. Come on, let's get you inside"

Tae doesn't stop sobbing. His heart kills him as it breaks. Shards of pain wretch at his soul making him want to scream out in pain.

Suddenly Jin's car door is slammed open and Jimin runs out.

"What the hell?" Jin yells. "why were you in my car?!"
"My bestie was sad so I was summoned" Jimin shrugs.

Tae has a weak smile on his face.

"Thank you Jiminie. I'm sorry I had to ruin your date with Yoongi. You must hate me now"
"I don't hate you. And you didn't ruin a thing. All I was doing was watching TV at home. You're more important"

Taehyung smile gratefully.

"Thanks hyung"

They help Tae into Jin's car. Jimin cuddles with Tae making the younger smile.

"Hyung" Taehyung whispers to Jimin.
"Thank you. I'm sorry"

Jimin shakes his head.

"Don't apologize. Now are you going to tell us what's going on as last time I checked my best friend didn't have puffy eyes and a red face"
"Other than when he's doing drag" Jin teases.

Jimin rolls his eyes but mutters a little laugh.

"What?" Jin scoffs. "I already know my jokes are leJINdary" Jin says.

Jimin and Jin burst out into fits of giggles. They are so loud that they could probably be heard in North Korea.

They both start painting from laughing so hard.

Then they look at eachother before bursting out laughing again. Every time one of them tries to stop laughing, when they see the other one, they end up bursting out into fits of giggles.

"That was the best joke you ever told hyung" Jimin says wiping imaginary tears.

His breathing is heavy and his chest rises and falls quickly.

"The best jokes from the best person" Jin shrugs sarcastically.

Taehyung quickly slams open the door of the car before falling to his knees in pain.

Jimin and Jin instantly shut up.

They watch as Taehyung throws up into the bush next to him.

"Something serious has happened hasn't it" Jimin whispers to Jin.
"Yeah it has. It's down to us to make sure things get better for him"

They both climb out of the car and kneel down next to Tae.

"Hey Tae. How you doing?" Jimin asks.

Tae ends up throwing up again.

Jimin scrunches up his nose. He knows the burning sensation Tae must be feeling in the back of his throat all too well.

It gets Jimin thinking about how people must of felt when he was throwing up. Walking in on the stench and seeing him at his weakest.

He doesn't want to be seen like that. He knows he is better than that.

'maybe I can change. Maybe I should' Jimin thinks.

Jimin rubs Tae's back.

"Tae can you walk? We need to get you home" Jimin coos.

He sees Tae nod his head weakly. He and Jin take it as a sign to help Taehyung to his feet.

"We will get you through this Tae. Trust in us" Jin says.

In times like this, Jin's serious hyung side shows and it really pays off. It makes Jimin and Tae feel a sense of safety. He can be fun and serious. The best way to be!

Tae falls to his knees again and throws up. He spits into the Bush and stands up on shaky legs.

"i-i-i am s-s-so sorry" taehyung whimpers.
"its-" jimin starts saying but someone behind taehyung catches his attention.
"slut" he hears from a voice he never wanted to hear again.

He can't seem to be able to breath.

"kang Daniel" jimin breaths out.

But what shocks jimin more is taehyung's reaction to him.

Taehyung charges at Daniel and punches him harshly round the face.

"you bitch! You tried to rape me. You made me cheat on my kookie" Taehyung sobs.
"what the fuck?" Jin questions.


(a/n: if u guys don't rember the character kang Daniel he's the guy that raped jimin. If u wanna remember look at chapter 15)

Wanting To Be Perfect//Myg×PjmWhere stories live. Discover now