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Taehyung rushes inside to Jungkook and slides down into the seat next to him.

He clearly startles Jungkook being as he was on his phone.

"Hey babe you're back. Is everything ok?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung just wraps his arms around Jungkook holding him tight.

"Why do you smell like cigarettes?" Jungkook asks. "Where did you go?"
"T-there are things......things you don't know about me........or who I used to be"
"Should I be concerned that you didn't answer my question?"

Taehyung burries his head in Jungkook's neck. Jungkook can feel water by his throat.

"A-are you crying Tae?" Jungkook whispers.

Taehyung shakes his head but he doesn't fool Jungkook. He knows Tae is crying.

"Hey baby don't cry" Jungkook soothes Taehyung.
"I'm sorry. She just reminded me of some things that I didn't want to remember"

Jungkook pulls Tae closer to his body and kisses his head.

"Let's go away from here. Do you want to go back home now or should we go to a hotel for tonight?" Jungkook asks.
"Can we just go back home? I'll speak to Jimin tomorrow. Our disagreement means nothing to me now!"

Jungkook and Taehyung leave the shop together hands holding one another and in their other hands they hold their bubble teas.

"Already leaving then I take it" Kirsty says fake yawning.
"Leave us alone, whatever you told Tae has caused him enough damage!"

She turns to look towards Tae.

"You haven't told him yet?" She asks a little shocked. "The Tae I knew wouldn't get into this sort of state. He wouldn't of cared what his boy toy thought"
"I'm not the same guy that I was before. I've changed and have moved on. Do the same" Taehyung says angrily.

She scoffs.

"Someone like you doesn't change. You're still a loaner who is attention seeking. The Tae I used to know is still in there. And I still have things that Tae would have wanted!"

With that she spins on her heal.

"Oh and that guy wasn't my boyfriend. My boyfriend is in a hospital bed thanks to you. Does Kang Daniel spark rememberence in you?"

She walks away, her heals clacking after her.

Taehyung moves to lunge at her but Jungkook is one step ahead. His grip around Taehyung's waste tightens and his heals dig into the pavement.

"Kookie, let me at her. She deserves this!" Taehyung begs.
"No! You're not fighting with her"

Taehyung pouts but gives up trying to wriggle out of Jungkook's grip.

Jungkook pulls Tae to his body holding him there tightly and safely.

"You can let go now" Taehyung says slightly annoyed.
"I know you well Tae and I know that you're going to try and go to her. I won't let you. She's pure evil and I won't let you get mixed up in that!"

Taehyung smiles lovingly at his boyfriend. Jungkook really cares. For the first time in his life, someone actually cares about him.

Taehyung and Jungkook walk side by side. Jungkook holds Tae's hand again as he knows that's what Tae need.

"Tae we're going to need to talk about this. Ok!" Jungkook says sternly, less like a question and more like a statement.
"But I don't want to relive the trauma I went through"

Jungkook grows confused.

"Tae I want an honest and open relationship with you otherwise we shouldn't be together"
"So you're willing to break up with me over this?" Taehyung asks as his eyes water.

It makes Jungkook take a deep sigh.

"I don't want it to come to that but a relationship is built on trust and if I can't trust you then our relationship won't be happy"

Taehyung thinks carefully before responding.

"I don't want our relationship to be in the past but the past is built up by the present and then present becomes our future. Everything is a cycle and I'm willing to tell you some things but that's going to effect our future"

Taehyung picks up on Jungkook's dumbfounded expression quickly.

"I'll tell you if you really want to know but things will change. I want you to be a part of my future"
"Then I need to know!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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