Part 1

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"Bailey!!' I heard my mom scream. 'What's up?!' I scream back. 'Come downstairs we need to have a family talk.'

Oh no. I hate family talks. They're always so stupid and boring. I'm just relaxing because I just got home from school. Oh and first let me introduce myself. So my name is Bailey and I'm a 13 year old girl and I live in Holland. I love to play soccer and I'm a little bit obsessed with Justin Bieber and Isac Elliot. Oh and I have a special love for bands like 5 Seconds of Summer and The Vamps. I have a sister and a brother. They are called Amy and Tristan. My parents divorced when I was 4. My moms called Jenny and my father is called Eric. My life is pretty boring though. So yeah, that's me and my fam...

'I'm coming!' I say. I run down the stairs and walk into he living room. I see that my sister and brother already sit on the couch. 'Okay... This is weird.' I say. 'Sit down' my mom says. I sit down on the couch next to my sister. 'So I have to talk to you guys...' my mom begins. 'You know that I might get fired from work. So, my boss had this deal for me. He has a really good job for me in England...' 'What?!' my sister yells. 'Just let me talk okay?' my mom asks. 'So where was I? Oh yeah. So he has this deal. Or I'm gonna stay in Holland and get fired, or I'm gonna work in England and get paid twice as much as I get paid right now. So.. I actually want to move to England because I get paid a lot.' My brother begins to yell at her: 'But what about us? We have our friends and school here and dad lives here aswell! I don't wanna move to England! I'm gonna stay here. With dad.' 'Me too!' my sister yells. They both run upstairs. 'I already looked at houses there and I talked with your dad about it and he is all for it. I will work as much as I can to pay a holiday back to Holland to see your dad.' My mom says to me. 'I know' I say. 'What do you think about it?' she asks. 'I love England. I really do, I would love to live there but I have my friends here you know... I don't know if I want to move....' I say. 'I understand' my mom says. 'Just think about it' 'I will' I say.

I walk back to my bedroom and sit down on my bed. Great. So we're moving to England? Oh my god. I call my best friend Carmen. 'Yo, what's up?' she says. 'I'm moving to England.' I say to her. 'What?! When? Why?!' she asks. 'Because of my moms job. If she's not going to work in England she'll get fired.' I say. 'Omfg, I'm coming to your house right now. See ya there.' Tuuuu tuuu tuuu. She hung up. 10 minutes later I hear the bell ring. Then I hear some foot steps and Carmen walks into my room. She hugs me. 'What about us? We are still going to be friends right?' she says. 'Ofcourse' I say. 'But nothing is sure yet. We are not going to move in 2 weeks or something.'

The rest of the day Carmen stays with me. She eats dinner at my house and we make homework together and you know, just talk and stuff. On 8 o'clock she leaves. 'See ya tomorrow babe.' she says and gives me a big hug. 'Yeah, see you tomorrow.' and I hug her too.

Author's note:

Hi guys. So this is my first story and it's going to be a fanfiction what you maybe not expect. But just read and you'll see ;) Anyways I hope you guys like the story and tell your friends maybe to read it too? I will post as much as possible. If I don't have so much homework haha. If you have questions, just ask me.

xoxo Noa

Moving to EnglandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang