Chapter 3 - Smitten

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Castle J's POV

Yongha was waiting for me outside the classroom. I sighed as I saw him and continued walking without looking back at him.

"So?" He asked as we headed towards the dining hall.

"So, what?" I said, pretending I didn't know what he's asking about.

"Well, have you talked to her?" He said. I didn't answer until we sat down at our usual table. Taewoo is already there with three trays of food.

"Thank me that you don't have to fall in that long line." He said pointing at the cafeteria. I looked at the windows and the rain outside explains the crowded hall. People who usually dine at nearby restaurants didn't bother to charge in the rain; besides, the cafeteria food is not that bad. "How was the class?"

"Oh don't act like his mom. Just get to the point." Yongha said. "Have you heard her voice?"

I sighed. "Yes, I did." And before they could say anything, I added, "And no, I didn't record it. We just met and it's just rude to do that."

"Aww.." Taewoo said mockingly. "One conversation and you got smitten?"

"Wha- No I didn't." I protested.

"Yeah," Yongha nodded. "You got smitten, alright. You agreed to do this yesterday and you even canceled the precious training schedule. What changed your mind besides that?"

"Nothing. It's just rude."

"Oh, and it wasn't rude yesterday?" Yongha mocked.

Taewoo silenced us and nodded toward the door. "Foreign girl walking towards here. Be cool."

I turned around and sure enough, she was walking in our direction. I waved a hand when she got close.

"Hey," she said, her voice barely audible and I was sure that my friends who are only across the table couldn't hear her. "I forgot to give you my number." I almost feel my friends gaping, if ever they heard and, to be honest, I also nearly did but then she added, "You send the compositions?"

"Oh yeah. Here." I fished out my phone in my pocket and went to 'add contacts' then gave it to her. A few seconds later, she gave it back. I looked at the screen and realized that we didn't exchange names. We skipped formalities and just started blabbing about whatever comes next after that. Good thing she wrote it—Jung Minji. So she actually has a Korean name despite living abroad. Wait. Does she know my name? Just then I sent her a text message written '-Seongjun'. When I heard her phone beep, I said, "And that's my number."

"Thanks." She said and started to walk away.

Just then Taewoo eyed me and I got what he's saying. I sighed and said, "Do you want to sit with us? It's pretty crowded and I don't know if you could sit anywhere else."

She looked around and considered my offer. I bet she's choosing what's better between having to sit with people she never talked to or sitting with us. But finally, she said, "Okay." And sat beside me. My friends greeted her and they exchanged names.

"I could get you food if you want." Yongha offered.

She glanced at me before answering. "No, it's okay." Her voice is softer; if that's even possible. "I brought my own. I knew it will be crowded today."

We silently ate our cafeteria food as she takes out her food from her bag. She has Kimbap, kimchi, and an apple.

"You made that?" I asked pointing at the Kimbap.

"Yes," She said, smiling. She took another glance at me before adding, "It's my first time and it actually turned out good."

"Good?" Yongha said. "That looks great for a first-timer."

"Thanks," She said, again glancing at me. She pushed the container in the middle of the table. "Do you want some? I made too many."

As my friends took Kimbap in her container, I finally realized why she's glancing at me. "It's okay, you could speak comfortably to them. They wouldn't think that your voice is weird."

"You think we think your voice is weird?" Yongha asked.

"It's actually weirder leaning on the table just to hear what you're saying," Taewoo said.

"See?" I said. "Just talk like how you talk to me back in the classroom."

"Wait," Yongha interrupted. "How'd you know she thinks that way? When did you have a telepathic conversation?"

"You can already converse telepathically?" Taewoo added and I saw a hint of a smirk as their eyes met. "How close are you guys?"

I sighed. I know where this is going and I don't wanna freak out Minji with my crazy friends. "What are you guys saying? We just met last period."

"Yeah, sure," Yongha smirked. I'm not sure if Minji already realized what they're trying to do but, I swear, the smirk went too far.

"It's true," Minji said. "We just met last period."

"Then how-?" Taewoo lingered, hoping we'd get what he's asking.

She glanced at me again. I don't want to say anything she told me about herself so I just nodded.

"I told Seongjun that I'm not confident in speaking in Korean because of my accent." She said. "Maybe he just assumed I'm lowering my voice because of that. And yeah, he guessed right."

"Your accent and voice are beautiful," Taewoo said. "Don't be ashamed of it."

"Thank you." She answered, smiling.

We ate and my friends tell jokes which made Minji laugh. I kept quiet and sometimes say small remarks as I usually do whenever I'm with my friends. I can't seem to be very talkative when I'm with them because they always find the craziest things to say in every situation, but they're a great companion.

"So you guys already debuted, that's great!" Minji beamed. "I'm sorry I didn't know."

"Nah," Yongha said. "There are a lot of idol groups. How could everyone keep track of all, right?"

"But I promise I'll look 1the9 up." She said.

That earned a smile for both of them. "Thanks."

"You could also lookup Seongjun's group," Taewoo said. "MCND, they're really amazing."

"I didn't know you're also an idol." She said.

"We haven't debuted yet," I answered bashfully. I'm kind of overwhelmed every time people positively comment about MCND, even among my friends. "We just do covers and stuff."

"Are you kidding?" Yongha beamed, a bit exaggerated if you ask me. "You have this fan meeting thingy coming up in a few days. I'm kinda surprised you skipped practice to attend classes today." He exchanged glances with Taewoo and they both smirked again.

I rolled my eyes and didn't even bother to hide it. "What's that about?" Minji asked.

I sighed for who knows how many times since lunch break started and eyed my friends. "Well, I told you that my friends dared me to attend composing class today to record your voice-"

"You told her that?"

"What the hell, dude?"

"They are these friends," I continued, ignoring their protest. "And they think I didn't do it because I like you."

"Really?" Taewoo said. "You just met her and you tell her everything now?"

"And not to mention guys' privacy," Yongha added. "You just sell out your friends just like that?"

"Guys, I'm not-" I started.

"I'm sorry," Minji cut, her expression looks taken aback and her voice which started to get louder moments before started lowering again. She started packing her lunch box. "I didn't mean, uhm, I should get to class." She stood up and all three of us were stunned. I didn't even realize what was wrong and I didn't do anything as she walked out the cafeteria door.

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