Chapter 29 - Trust Me

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Minji's POV

"You sure look happy," Jerry said as Seongjun's car drove away to the narrow road. I just shrugged. "What happened to 'What is he doing here?'" He imitated my angry tone.

"Shut up," I said and walked back inside the wooden house.

I went to the kitchen and gathered the dirty plates to the sink. We already ate half of the cake and I plan on eating the other half alone so I hurried to put it back in the fridge.

"You know I'm not even gonna touch that." Jerry was leaning on the archway.

"Just in case," I said.

He walked towards the sink. "Sleep." He said. "I'll do the dishes. Just take a rest."

"I can't let you do that."

"For goodness's sake, it's your birthday!" He slightly raised his voice to make a point and he only ever does that when he really has a point.

"You're being weird." I threw a potholder at him and walked towards the archway.

"That's right. Go to your room and replay everything that had happened earlier in your head or something." He teased.

I pivoted around to face him. "How much did you see?" I said accusingly.

"Oh, you know." He shrugged. "Just, you know."

"Jerry," I said with gritted teeth as I glared at him.

He laughed. "I didn't see anything! I was just teasing you. But I kinda sense things, you know?" He winked.

"Shut up."

He laughed again like me being flustered is so amusing. "There's still a few hours before breakfast and you don't wanna miss that."

I went to my designated room and did just what Jerry had said. I replayed everything in my head and I almost couldn't believe it all happened. Well, I couldn't believe he was here. It was nearly perfect, except for the problem I pretty much avoided talking about—what if someone was really watching us. We can't actually see each other anywhere but in private. And that's not even reassuring, considering what had happened before. He said he'll find the culprit and that's the only way everything will be okay.

I clutched the pendant on my neck. It'll be okay, I convinced myself, and not long after that, I finally fell asleep.


It was dusk when Jerry and I drove back to the city. I was too tired to even talk because I only had slept for a couple of hours and we did all those activities the caretaker prepared for us. I don't even know where Jerry's energy to drive is coming from. He had less sleep than I had.

One of MCND's songs was playing on the radio. I haven't heard it yet but I recognized their voices. I'm glad there are stations playing them. I made a mental note to listen to all of their songs when I get home.

I must've dozed off because the next thing I knew was my phone buzzing against my thigh. It was a message from Taewoo.

I don't know what's happening and why you're not talking to us. Seongjun was also acting weird when we met with him the other day, but is this the reason why?

He attached two pictures of Mimi and Seongjun, one where she's clinging onto his arm and another where they're both sleeping and leaning against each other on a couch.

Because I'm telling you, that is nothing. He already told us he likes you and he never tells us anything. Oh, and this was sent to me anonymously which is really weird. What the hell is happening? Starting with your locker, we really need to talk.

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