Chapter 11 - Friends

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Castle J's POV

'Hi! I was just wondering when you're available?
There's a new ice cream place near the university and I wanted to try
But I have no one to go with.'

I read Minji's message on and on. Is this what Jerry warned, that she'll cling to people once she's comfortable?

My problem right now is that I wanted to check my schedule so I could reply to her with a date. I wanted to follow Jerry's advice, I wanted to interact with Minji as little as possible but I can't just reject her.

After thinking long and hard, I replied: This Thursday after class? What's your last period?

I hit send with a little bit of regret. Once I get really busy, I know that regret will only grow larger.


"We shouldn't be meeting like this," was the first thing that came out of my mouth when she arrives in front of the ice cream place.

"Why?" She asked. "You don't like ice cream?"

There's something about her that I couldn't point out. It's not her voice, which is still soft but maybe it's the way she said those words that's different. I shrugged at my observation and led her inside. Maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Jerry told me you talked," she said as we sat down. She ordered one scoop of each flavor and I went for the classic chocolate.

"Oh," I muttered. I didn't know what to say. Did he tell her about him warning me? If so, why did she still invited me for ice cream?

"Please forget everything he said." Her voice is a little bit apologetic and begging at the same time. "I don't know what he said exactly but I don't want you to worry about it."

"Will you be fine about that?" I asked, thinking about what he said. Trauma and depression aren't something taken lightly.

"Right now I just want to have friends."

"I'm not the only one you can be friends with." I countered.

"So you say every time we talk." She grinned. As we talk, I began to be certain that it's her choice of words and the way she says them that's different. She seemed to be more confident and surer of what she wanted to say. I didn't realize I was squinting my eyes until she asked, "What?"

"Have you ever considered joining a club?" I asked. "Seriously, you need friends."

"You're my friend." She said, so sure of herself. But when I didn't answer right away, she added, "Right?"

Are we? I asked myself. Is this considered friendship? Or am I just feeling bad for her because she's always alone?

"You know that's not what I mean." I just said. I tried to focus on my ice cream, unable to look at her in the eyes. I haven't answered her directly.

"Don't you want to be friends with me?" She said with a tone I almost didn't believe that it came from her. She sounded upset.

"That's not what I'm saying," I said defensively. "I'm just worried.."

"Of what Jerry told you?"

"I don't know," I said. "That, maybe."

"Seriously, you don't have to be worried about that." She said. "I'm fine. I can handle myself."

I studied her for a moment as if wanting to believe what she'd just said. Is this really the shy girl I met in class a few weeks ago?

"You're changing," I said without thinking. And she is. "In a good way. If you just keep this up, you'll be fine without me."

It's her turn to squint her eyes at me. "Why are you trying so hard to push me away? If it's just about what Jerry said, I told you, I'm fine. Unless..." She paused. "I'm not exactly your type of friend."

I smiled, shaking my head. Her mind is set. She just wouldn't let this go. "Why do you even want to be friends with me? I'm always not around."

"I don't know." She said but she lowered her eyes and I know, then, that there's something she's not saying. When she turned to look at me again, she continued, "Maybe because you're easy to be with." She smiled softly.

I sighed in surrender. "Fine." I see no point in still resisting. Besides, it's not like she's asking me to be her slave or anything. We're just going to be friends. "I give up." I smiled at her as I held out my hand for her to shake. "Friends?"

She beamed as she excitedly took it with both her hands. "Friends."

Hi! I apologize if the story is progressing too slow or too fast (depending on your preference) but I personally think that I'm losing the essence of the story because I wanted to go to the climax fast. The character development was a bit out of place. I tried so hard to make it natural but I think it's really sloppy ㅠㅠ

Still, I appreciate you guys reading this 😭

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