Chapter 20 - Threats

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Minji's POV

I took the bus to the company that afternoon. I don't know what to expect, I don't even know what they want to say. It's just a picture and we're just friends, there's nothing wrong with that. I get that the company is just protecting Seongjun from any issue but the picture doesn't tell the whole story. Anyone who doesn't know us will definitely think that there's something going on. And the people on campus will be more than willing to confirm that.

The important question is—who took it? Who took it and even sent it to the company? I know we were alone that night, I checked multiple times. I was careful. But now I wasn't so sure. My head spins with questions and things to tell the company staff. I couldn't calm myself down. I hope they will be talking with Seongjun alongside me.

Right now, I'm only sure of one thing—it's a threat. Because if they wanted to make news about it, they could've done it already. Instead, they sent it to the company, like a warning.

I was taken to a small room next to the main office as soon as I arrived at the building. I was told to wait and I started praying for Seongjun to enter this small room, too. They also need to talk to him, anyway and I know he's practicing in the building somewhere.

The door swung open and I was disappointed when a woman entered. She looked rather young, just a few years older than me.

"Hi." She said and I recognized her immediately as the one I talked to on the phone. "I'm sorry to call you all the way here."

"It's okay," I said as she sat down.

She pushed a printed version of the photo she'd sent across the table to me. I just stared at it. "Let's get to the business immediately." She said. Her voice was calm, making me feel at ease. "We don't usually meddle with our artists' relationships unless there could be an issue involved that can affect their images negatively. I'm not saying you are affecting Seongjun in that manner but the way this photo was sent to us is a bit concerning."

I nodded in understanding. It was indeed concerning. Even I thought of that.

"Do you have any idea who might possibly send this?" She asked. "If it's the media, there could already be an article by now."

I shook my head, thinking about the threats personally sent to me. I thought about my locker and my notebook. My notebook. The words were written—'Stay away from him or I can do worse than this.' Is it okay to tell her those things? Is it even connected or is it entirely a different story?

"I don't know," I told her. "Seongjun and I aren't in a relationship so I don't even understand what's going on." A half-lie. I know what was going on. At least, the gist of it.

She looked at me with pity and I can tell she doesn't want me getting mixed up with all these.

"The photo came with this message." She said and she flipped the piece of paper, revealing angry-written words that say 'Do something before I let these get out with an ugly story.'

I flinched when I recognize the handwriting. It's the same as the one written in my notebook. I'm almost sure of it. I stared at the words for I don't know how long, anger slowly rushing through me.

"You really have no idea?" She asked, pulling me back from my brain.

I can't let her sense that I know something. I calmed myself down before looking at her. "No."

She either believed me or just acted like she did because she didn't push with another question. "Well, then," she said. "I'd like to ask you to keep this confidential." I nodded. "And be careful. You should watch your actions because anything you do might be twisted into any story, whether it's a truth or a lie. People will believe anything they want to believe. I'm not just saying this to protect Seongjun, you understand?"

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