Chapter 17 - Dream Catcher

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Minji's POV

He's been extremely clingy. He went to attend classes the next day just to show people we couldn't be bothered. I wasn't ashamed but I was kinda scared of what the next threat will be. For all I know, once he's away from campus again, my miserable life will continue. But I was thankful for the break. It's comforting to know that he's here for me and I'm happy.

Seongjun picks me up in my classrooms after every class and he made sure he's close to me as we walked down the halls. My heart flutters each time and I hope it's not so obvious. People were talking but it was a lot different than the accusations I was receiving up until yesterday.

They're now interested in what's the deal with the both of us. I don't know, either but we're definitely not dating. And I don't know what's with Seongjun today. He's acting differently. Not weird different, just unusual different. My heart had already jumped up and down countless times since this morning.

That afternoon I have a club meeting and Seongjun had to go back to the company for a while.

"I'll pick you up later." He said. We were in front of my club room door. "Don't go anywhere else until I come."

"It's not like I have anywhere else to go." The corners of my mouth lifted.

"Don't lie." He said, smiling. "I'll come back, okay?"

I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I froze. He chuckled when he saw my flushed face but then he apologized. I should have just owned it. What's wrong with us? Or is this...right?

I didn't bother asking him. Somehow, I feel like if I do, he'll stop acting like this. And I don't want him to stop.

When I entered the room, there are more people than when we hold our usual meetings. It took me seconds to realize that the digital arts club is here too.

"Minji!" Jihwa called when she saw me. I came over to her and sat down on the chair she saved for me. "I heard the idol guy asked you out. Quite a turn, huh? That girl--or girls--responsible for what happened yesterday should really stop now. They're just jealous."

"He didn't ask me out," I said. My thoughts went back to yesterday. He kinda did ask me out but I foolishly said 'Where is this coming from?'. Why did I even say that? If I've said yes, that would be too abrupt. Besides, he said it out of nowhere.

The scene kept me up all night thinking over and over what could've been the right answer but I can't come up with anything.

"Hi." The girl sitting on the other side of Jihwa greeted and I was pulled back to the present. "I'm Mimi. You're Minji, right? Nice to meet you." She extended her arm and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you, too."

"Mimi's from the digital arts club and we take some classes together," Jihwa said. "She's also an idol trainee. I bet she's debuting soon. You are, right?" She turned to Mimi as she asked.

"Maybe." She answered. "There's no set date yet, though."

"Congratulations." I just said awkwardly. I'm still not used to talking with people I just met but Mimi seems nice. "I hope you guys success."

"Thanks." She said and Jihwa laughed.

"Forgive our Minji here. She's quite shy." She said but Mimi just smiled. Jihwa turned to me. "And, wait. You and the idol guy aren't dating? So what was happening out there the whole time?"

"Did we really look like we are?" I asked. She really should stop calling Seongjun 'idol guy'.

"Yeah." She said. "That's what most couples do."

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