Chapter 30 - The Culprit

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Minji's POV

My phone was ringing nonstop as soon as I entered my apartment minutes ago. There are three callers—Seongjun, Mimi, and Taewoo. Great. The people in the picture and the one who broke the news. I know they will be saying the same things. They'll say they're sorry, that it didn't mean anything, that I should hear them out, all the things that people who are at fault would say. I'm not saying Taewoo did something wrong, but I know he just wants to make things right.

Mimi was the least I expected. What would she say? All she knows is that I'm not talking to Seongjun anymore so what's her point of calling? She doesn't even know what was wrong and that I saw their picture. Unless...unless Seongjun told her. Are they in contact? Thinking about it makes me feel even worse and I don't know why.

I told myself multiple times that it's just a picture. Seongjun and I had a great time, a great talk last night. We both know how we feel about each other. We like each other and it was so clear that I didn't have to have any doubts.

But it's not just the picture. This is about me and my stupid wariness of people around me. I'm so afraid of my friends talking behind my back, or doing something to purposefully offend me. I don't want high school to happen all over again and maybe that's the reason why I think it's better not to be so attached.

The truth is, I trust them. I trust all of my friends that's why it hurts knowing things like this. This is what I've been scared of. And it hurts especially because it's Seongjun.

My phone rang again and it's not from the three I've been avoiding. It's from Huijun. It might be Seongjun using his phone, but I answered it anyway.


"Hello? Noona, please listen. There's nothing going on between them." He was talking rapidly like the whole situation was his fault and he needed to explain.

I closed my eyes. I guess everybody knows about this. "Huijun, I know," I whispered and I can't believe I said that. I know. Somehow, I know that there's nothing between them.

But why and how did it happen? The question is in my head as soon as I saw the pictures.

"Then why aren't you answering his calls? He's really worried that you're taking this harshly."

"I don't know. I just don't know." I began to cry and I hope I wasn't on speaker on Huijun's end.

"Noona, are you crying?" He asked, his voice lowered. There was a pause. I feel bad that he's the one I'm crying to. He clearly doesn't know what to do. "It'll be better. Just talk to him, please."

"Did he tell you to call me?"


I nodded even though I know he can't see me. "Well, I can't talk to him. I don't know what to say. I'm too ridiculous to face him. I don't even know what I'm crying about."

"Then just talk." He said. "Say what you're feeling, what you're thinking. Don't lock it all up inside you. You know that's for the best, right?"

He's probably right. I just need someone to talk to about all these, but that's the problem. Who? If I labeled all of them as people whom I can't trust, how can I even make myself start confiding in them with these feelings? Even Jerry...

"Noona?" Huijun said.


"You should take a rest. Don't think about anything for a moment, okay? I'm just glad that you know there's nothing between them. Hyung loves you. He told you that already, right?"

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