Chapter 36 - Sunrise

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Castle J's POV

Huijun patted my shoulder twice in consolation then he went to lean on the metal railings at the edge of the mountain. I sighed and lazily handed the flower to Junhyuk. No one said anything.

"But what did she say?" I asked.

"She said she has class at seven," Junhyuk said.

"That's it? She can't come because of class? I didn't even consider her choosing class over me."

"But you said we should keep this a surprise," Seungmin said. For some reason, all of them are facing the night view of the city. It must really be spectacular. It's such a shame I can't see it with Minji.

"You guys didn't tell her I was gonna be here?" I asked.

"Told you we're supposed to tell her that," Minjae said. They all looked at him like they've discussed this earlier.

I stared at them in disbelief and started blaming them, telling them they should've tried harder. All of these for nothing. They even complained a lot when I told them about the plan. And despite agreeing to do it in the end, they still failed. I failed. In about half an hour, everything and everyone will wake up and Minji wouldn't be here to witness it with me.

"But, hyung," Huijun said, his face still fixed on the view. "For you to be doing things for her to this extent and even risking some of the important things, you really love her a lot."

I stepped forward to the railings, too. "Yeah," I said softly.

"Does she know that?" Junhyuk asked.

I hesitated. "I think so. There's no way she doesn't." We've been through so much and I kissed her. She knows. Right?

"Well, did you tell her?" Seungmin asked. What's with all the questions?

I looked at him, his eyes stare at me with curiosity. "No." His eyes twitched with disappointment, then turned to a snicker almost immediately. "But she knows. I know she does..."

"She doesn't," Huijun said. I turned to him. He was smiling, all of them are like they know something I don't. Am I missing something here? Once they've seen enough of my confused expression. Huijun continued, "That's probably why she hesitates so much. You didn't assure her of that. And with things that had happened, she probably thought you were slipping away. You guys should talk about your feelings more often."

"But I'm not..." I started to protest.

But Huijun smiled even wider, pushing himself away from the metal rails, and started walking past me, back around the corner where they came from. "You should go tell her that." He said.

The others started to follow him. "Where are you guys go—" Then, as if in a fairytale, she emerged from the shadows and I was stunned as she walks towards me. Junhyuk handed me back the flower but I could only stare at Minji. "Why are you here? They said they..."

"They said they're going to tease you for a little bit." She finished and gave me the smile I haven't seen in what feels like a long time.

"We'll be just right at the peak. Don't look for us." Minjae called to us. Usually, if they say that, I would yell after them to not make any mess. But I just watched them run, racing each other and leaving me and Minji alone.

I suddenly felt nervous. I handed Minji the sunflower. She twirled it a couple of times, not saying anything. She leaned on the railings beside me and I just watch her every move. She takes in the surroundings, the earthy smell, and the occasional wind. She almost gaped as she saw the city, a gorgeous scenery with a mixture of nature and the modern world. When her eyes landed on me, I turned away.

"You're not gonna say anything?" She asked. "You're the one who woke us all up too early in the morning."

"I knew they'd complain to you, too," I said. She raised an eyebrow and I smiled. "Okay. Just a minute ago, I thought you really aren't here. Give me a few moments to let this sink in."

"Okay." She said. "But don't take too long. The sun will come up any minute now." The sky was already lightening and I knew there isn't much time until sunrise. "I bet they have a more gorgeous view at the top." She said.

"Don't say that," I said rather hurt. "I'd think you don't want to be alone with me."

"No, I...That's not what I meant.."

I snickered a laugh. When I looked at her, her eyes were glowering and she hit my arm with her fist.

I laughed. I like how it feels whenever I'm with her. Like we always pick up where we left off and everything that had happened while we were apart didn't matter. "I would have to disagree with you, though. I think it's more beautiful down here." I intently stared at her, she stared back and I watched her face turn crimson after a few seconds. I laughed again when she turned away. "I'm not lying."

"Shut up." She said.

"Look at me," I said and she tentatively moved farther away from me. I smiled, thinking of a way to catch an amusing reaction. "I'm gonna start pulling my shirt off."

"Why would you—?"

I kissed her, soft and slow. I closed my eyes when she did. It feels different than the last time. Now there's longing and regret, but it felt warm all the same.

I pulled away, pressing my forehead to hers, our breathing synchronized with each other's. A breeze caught her hair and it smacked me on the cheek. I giggled as I took a step back from her. "That kinda hurt."

"Yeah. My hair is made out of needles." She said with a grin. We went back to watching the scenery, trying to avoid talking about what just happened. I noticed the estuary connecting the river and the sea already twinkling from the early light. "So sunrise, huh?" Minji said. "Most people would go for sunset as a romantic scene. Why sunrise?"

"It's not just being romantic." I started to explain. I have my reasons for wanting to see the sunrise with her. "They're equally beautiful but the sunrise brings something out from people that the sunset usually can't and I want to show that to you today."


"Effort," I said. In my peripheral vision, I saw her head turn to me but I focused on the city. "To see the sunrise, people have to wake up really early. We can lose some sleep or sleep earlier than usual. There's the preparation that makes us disrupts our usual everyday routine. In sunsets, I'm not saying there isn't entirely, but it's easier. We just have to be in the right place at the right time. So to me, sunrise requires more effort for people to see." She didn't say anything and turned her head back to the view. "Hey..."

"Shhh." She said. "Here it comes."

"We don't have to be quiet while we watch it rise, you know?"

She ignored me. I guess she wants to be quiet while watching it rise.

The rays came first, stretching across the horizon and in between the mountains.  The sun has risen and shown itself one millimeter at a time. Slowly, it looked like fire was about to spread across the city. It wasn't big like I've expected, but it conveyed brightness the higher it goes.

I glanced back at Minji whose eyes sparkle as the golden morning light touches her face. A gush of wind made her hair dance and her cheeks flushed a little. I slid my hand on hers and squeezed it. I don't know what it is, but there's something about her that I just don't want to let go of.

Someone from the peak screamed, mimicking the sound of a crying elk. Both our heads darted upwards and we laughed, knowing that it's Seungmin.

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