Chapter 35 - A Surprise

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Minji's POV

It has been two whole days since Jerry told me about what he'd found out and what Seongjun planned on doing with the evidence. Today, I heard Jihwa was sentenced to a few months of community service, slash probation. Although hacking is technically a crime, the university didn't want to put her in jail because she wasn't the one who actually broke into the security system. For now, no one knows who she hired to do it and she isn't cooperating with the questioning.

I saw her accompanied by a couple of police officers out of the campus this afternoon. A few of the students gathered around, wondering what had happened. They haven't announced it yet, but tomorrow there will be a lot of buzz about it because I know it will be on the front page of the school paper.

Jihwa's eyes caught mine as the officers walked her to their car. She smiled at me as if she expected this to happen.

She said something to one of the officers. When they nodded, she walked towards me. "Seems like idol guy found something against me." She said. "But not enough to completely get rid of me."

"If something still happens after your probation, you'll be the first one to be suspected," I said with a straight face.

"Why do you keep telling me things I already know?" She said. "I'll take care of myself and you take care of yours." She smiled. For a moment she seemed like the friend I've known for months. "I know you hate me. And I hate you for being too nice. I just wish Seongjun has a stronger woman by his side."

"No matter what happens, it can never be you," I said. She just smirked and walked back to where the police officers are.

I know she will be monitored throughout her sentence so I don't have to worry about her doing something again anymore. But there's a chill down my spine as they closed the door after she entered like this wouldn't stop her.

Back at home that night, I lie down on my bed trying to forget Jihwa's expression. I thought about Seongjun instead. Now that Jihwa's gone and dealt with, I assumed he'd contact me. For the past two days, I'd pondered a lot whether I should be the one to call him first. I promised myself I won't run off like a coward again, but that doesn't mean I can be the one to initiate the first move.

He's probably busy or... he just doesn't want to talk to me despite Jerry saying that there's no problem between us whatsoever. Jerry probably just wants to ease my paranoid head. But it made me anticipate. That bastard! But what if he's also waiting for me to call? I sighed and buried myself with my pillows, my eyes heavy from the day's work. Maybe tomorrow he'll call. I need to sleep fast to find out...


A knock on my door woke me up in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if it's still nighttime, but the lack of light from my window tells me it still is. Lazily, I stirred to the other side of my bed, hoping I was just dreaming. I was starting to drowse off again when my doorbell rang. I turned on my nightstand lamp and sat up when it rang a second time. Who could it be? My clock says it's only a few minutes before four in the morning. Who the hell comes to visit at this hour? Well, Jerry is the only one who comes here so problem solved.

But as I went out of my room and approached the main door, I hear muffled voices. There is more than one person. I don't think Jerry will bring other people here. Especially at this time. I clutched my phone tight with both hands as I look through the peephole. I could only see half of a couple of man's bodies.

"Just call her phone!" One of them whisper-shouted.

"What if she's sleeping?" A second voice said.

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