Chapter 24 - Burden

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Minji's POV

I read the message, wide-eyed, over and over again.

Noona! Why aren't you congratulating us? We got nominated for first place with our debut song last week. Didn't you see that? That's big, right? RIGHT? Can you come to celebrate with us? We miss you!

The truth is I haven't seen any of their performances and I try not to read any articles regarding the 'monstrous rookie' which is MCND. I only watched their music video once and, as much as I wanted to listen to their songs, I can't bring myself to listen to Seongjun's voice.

He said 'We miss you". Does that mean he misses me too? I slapped myself into some sense. That can't be. But a thought came to me: Didn't he tell them anything? If Minjae is texting me this, that means he doesn't know anything. Like with Taewoo and Yongha, Seongjun didn't tell his members either. Why?

Here I go again with my questions. I promised myself to let it go, to let him go.

I closed my phone without replying. I'm so sorry, Minjae.

Just as I was about to leave the club room, the door opened and Geon entered with a very frustrated look on his face.

"Oh good, you're here." He said in a hurry as he closed the door behind him.

"What's the matter?"

He booted up the laptop stationed at the desk and copied files into a flash drive. "You're free today, right?" He asked.


"Can you go and print this out for me?"

I looked at the screen. "The magazine? Didn't we released them already?"

"Yes, but we forgot to print the library's copy. The cover is different." He showed me a file of the cover which had a badge on the side that indicates it is a library's copy. "We need five of these." He grabbed a post-it and wrote something. "Here's the address."

I took and read it. If I remember correctly, it's in the same street as TOP Media's building. I pressed the piece of paper back to Geon. "Can't we just send it via email and pick it up later?"

He shook his head. "Someone should go there and explain the measurements. It's indicated in the file but you have to go there to be sure. They make mistakes sometimes." He looked at me pleadingly. "Please. I know that's my job but I have my thesis presentation this afternoon and we need the copies by tomorrow. I'll be the one to pick it up, don't worry."

I sighed in defeat. "Okay."

"Thank you!" He beamed. "I really have to go." He picked up his bag and began to rush out the door. "Oh, and turn off the laptop for me. I promise I'll treat you to lunch next time." He called and closed the door.

I tried calling Jihwa to accompany me but she isn't answering. She must be in class. There's no one else I can ask so I guess I have to do this alone. With a puff, I grabbed the flash drive with the address and wrapped up around the club room, and left.

It didn't take me long to find the printing press. I've been in the area many times already that I practically just have to find the signboard. What I didn't expect is that how close it is to the company building.

I hurriedly went inside and immediately tell the woman on the counter what I was told to say. The sooner I'm out of there, the lesser the chance that I will run into anyone I know; well, specifically the five of them.

I reviewed the measurements and she showed me a sample. When I think we got the right one, I told her someone will pick it up tomorrow and I wrote Geon's name on a records book.

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