Chapter 12 - Playing Spy

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Minjae's POV

I heard Seongjun hyung's phone beeped from the other side of the practice room. He just got out to get his laptop and I'm left here alone, stretching. The others won't be here until later today because they have other things to do.

As always, I went to look at his phone but when I entered his password, it doesn't work. Did he change it? I tried it again in case I just missed something but, still, it didn't open.

Just then, hyung came back with his laptop and when he saw me holding his phone, he ran towards me.

"Is there a message?" He asked, stretching his arms towards the phone.

I gave it to him. "Yeah." I just said and even though I wanted to ask why he changed his password, I kept my mouth shut.

Seongjun hyung was being weird.

It had been weeks now that he'd been glued to his phone. I mean not literally glued but he'd been staring at it all the time and when it beeps, he'll immediately rush to it as if he's waiting for some important message. Maybe he is but who knows? The fishy thing is, there's always a smile on his face whenever he's at it.

The four of us had been talking about it. Seungmin hyung had been teasing him every time he runs to his phone. He says something like, "You have a date later?" or "Hyung! Tell your girlfriend to stop texting you during practicing." But Seongjun hyung always just laugh without an explanation.

Right now, while hyung was busy on his phone again, I sent a message on our group chat, the one with only the four of us. Yeah, we created one for this sole purpose and we're having a blast playing spy.

Everyone! I just got a hold of his phone. He changed the password!!

He's not into something illegal, is he?

Why would he smile like an idiot if it's
something illegal?

I told you! It's a girl!

I think it's a girl too!

If it really is then it's definitely Minji noona

You sure?

There was tension between them last time

Weren't they just awkward? He
said they're not close that time

They weren't close but why did she go to
the company just to listen to their project?

Right right he could've just sent it

See? Now how do we confirm this?

Just then, Seongjun hyung called my attention. "Minjae-yah! You remember Minji from last time? She's around the area and about to have lunch. Do you want us to join her?"

I almost couldn't contain my smile. What are the odds? "You sure you want me to join too?" I asked, attentively waiting for his reaction.

"Why? Aren't you hungry?" His response was too plain to know something. I might just not play hard to get.

"I am," I simply said. "Are we going now?"

"Yeah," He said, already walking towards the door. "Let's go."

Before I followed him, I sneaked a message to the group chat.

Yah yah yah! Suspect is here!
We're about to have lunch with her

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