Chapter 6 - Something's Wrong

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Minji's POV

Seongjun came back a few minutes later with six cups of drinks and a box of pastry. The members and I froze as we heard the door opening. Minjae made quick taps on the keyboard and started smiling and teasing Seongjun as if nothing happened.

"Ey, hyung!" Minjae started and everybody is suppressing their big smiles. We were looking at Seongjun's baby pictures and some funny shots. "What took you so long? We are already hungry."

"What are you guys still doing here?" He answered. "You need to practice or we'll get scolded." He sounded different and his mood seemed to went down as if something serious happened outside. The others also noticed it and took silent glances at each other.

"Hyung," Huijun said, opening the box of donuts, "We'll eat then go."

"Yes, donut," Junhyuk remarked as they all gathered around the box. They all look so cute being so excited for food.

"Make sure to leave some for Minji," Seongjun said as he handed me a cup of milkshake and sat beside me in front of his laptop. "Have you listened to it?"

"No, not yet," I said. "We were chatting.."

"About me, I know," He sighed and made a few taps on the keyboard. The laptop's history of activities appeared on the screen and he sighed for the second time. I tried to hide my amusement. "Yah! You showed her weird pictures of me!" They all laughed mid-bites and I smiled. He caught my expression and he slowly smiled with embarrassment.

"You shouldn't have saved them there in the first place." Seungmin retorted.

"How'd you guys even know I have those here," He said as he closed all the windows in his laptop and opened the application where he made the beat. "Now I can't even face Minji's direction."

I chuckled. "Those pictures are actually very cute."

"Don't make me even more embarrassed," He said. "Especially not in front of these guys."

"But it's true—"

"Okay, stop." He interjected. "Let's just listen to this." And he played the beat he made for my lyrics.

It was melodious and full of emotion as if no words are needed to tell the story of the music. It sounds so sad but there is also a feeling of reconciliation and longing at the same time. It was addicting to listen to that I don't want it to stop; there are no lyrics but the loneliness it conveys is so strong it makes me think it will be useless if my lyrics will go with it.  We all bury ourselves into the rhythm a few seconds more before the sound stops and I suddenly felt empty.

Junhyuk was the first to break the silence. "You made that, hyung? That's so different from all the others you made."

"That really hit something," Huijun said. "Waa."

"You're doing a sad pop song?" Seungmin asked.

"Minji writes pop lyrics, that's why," Seongjun answered. "How was it?"

"I think it's really heartbreaking," I said, excitement didn't fail to come out of my voice. "It's actually better than how I wanted it to be. We could actually arrange it right away. It sounds really perfect."

           "You're overpraising me," He said but I can see how proud he looked. Even his members are in awe.

"I'm serious," I answered. "We don't need any editing, the lyrics are fine too. We just need a really good arrangement and maybe we could already record it soon."

"Alright." He said. "Are you sure you're not gonna change any of the lyrics?" I nodded. "Then, it's done. I've already made an arrangement. We just need to find someone for the demo recording. I originally want Huijun to do it but his voice will be very expensive." He tentatively looked at the four of them and smiled.

"What?" Huijun asked.

"Nothing, just eat." He said but I can see in his eyes how much he treasures them like little brothers. I can't help but smile too. When he turned back to me, I immediately looked away but I'm sure he saw how I was watching him. I felt my cheeks blush but he didn't say anything. "I could ask some of my classmates to sing for this unless you already have someone in mind, or maybe you wanted to sing?"

"No!" I said too abruptly that he laughed. "I mean, I don't have anyone in mind."

Seongjun came with me in front of the building to wait for Jerry. We finished unexpectedly early so maybe he's still too far out. I can't help but think about the look on Seongjun's face when he returned to the dining area earlier. It's kind of the same look on his face right now as we wait. He is looking anywhere but me and if there is one thing I know about him, that is he wouldn't let an awkward silence pass this long. Something definitely happened.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He was a bit taken aback but he smiled and answered, "Yeah, of course. You? You don't feel drained by an awful lot of energy back there?" He pointed at the door.

"No," I said. "It was really fun, actually. I didn't felt uneasy with those awful lot of energy around." I emphasized. "And besides, they aren't awful. They actually kinda sweet."

He snorted a bit. "You clearly don't know them yet."

"Well," I hesitated. "Will there be another chance you could prove me wrong?" I mentally slapped myself at that. What is wrong with me? I practically asked him for an invite to go here again.

Before he could answer, Jerry's car pulled over. They nodded knowingly at each other as I walk towards the car.

"See you at school," Seongjun called back as I opened the passenger seat, I nodded, closed the door, and then Jerry droved off.



All the times that past
Without you beside me
Our relationship came to last
Like a hopeless melody
We made a life full of crotchet
Which now turned to beats of rest

The unfinished music we cast was left behind
I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see
I have to accept that we aren't meant to be

I'd say I miss you...but words won't come out
I want to hug you...but your arms are shut
I could've kissed you...but it's too late
We had one beat that we couldn't save now
I still love you but the rhythm's gone now

Our eyes met once more
Without really looking
You said something in the air
But I completely missed it
We made a life full of crotchet
Which now turned to beats of rest

The unfinished music we cast was left behind
I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see
I'm not right for you but you're right for me

I'd say I miss you...but words won't come out
I want to hug you...but your arms are shut
I could've kissed you...but it's too late
We had one beat that we couldn't save now
I still love you but the rhythm's gone now

The voice that I loved
I could no longer hear
I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see
The angelic sound is now lost to me
I couldn't feel, Our melody
The love that you used to have for me

We made a life full of crotchet
But our music had come to a rest

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