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7 weeks later...

"You are so lucky," Mimi said as she stopped the car in front of the airport. It's only mid-morning and the place is already busy with people. "I can't believe you are going to a beautiful island to meet his parents."

"Don't make it sound like a fairytale," I said. "I'm freaking nervous! I asked him countless times if I could just wait for him over here instead, but he just laughs at me as if I'm asking for something stupid. Doesn't he get it? We've only been dating for less than two months and he's already putting me through this."

"Relax. They're probably the sweetest folks you'll ever meet." Jerry said who is sitting in the front seat. I don't even know why he came with us. When Mimi picked me up, he's already there. He invites himself to almost everything that Mimi and I do. She doesn't mind. I have a feeling there's something going on between them. I mean, I'm the one who introduced them to each other. As my friends. At first, whenever Mimi has free time and asks me to hang out, Jerry just happens to be with me. They became comfortable with each other eventually and, at some point, they both began asking me about each other. It could've been weird for me but, surprisingly, it isn't. I'll just let them be for now.

"I don't know. This still feels wrong." I said. "Do I look okay? Do I give out a modest girl impression?"

"Shut up and get out of here," Mimi said. I glared at her in the rearview mirror, but she only laughed. "You're fine. It's kinda cute that he's already introducing you to his parents. Just be yourself and they'll love you. Now go!"

I gave her a look and tentatively opened the door. "Okay, okay. Geez. You just can't wait to be alone together." I get out of the car and saw both their mouths ajar. I smiled with amusement as I gathered my bags. Before they could say anything, I yelled, "Bye guys! Wish me luck!" And I slammed the door shut.

Seongjun will be picking me up at the airport when I arrive. He already flew there yesterday with his mom right after his last schedule. He asked me to join them. It could've given me less pressure if I met his mom first. But I had classes so I have to deal with meeting both his parents at the same time.

The plane landed after about an hour. When I went out, I instantly saw Seongjun with a white ball cap and wearing a thin black air mask. He made an overhead wave at me and I smiled and ran to him. I expected him to hold my hand as we walk, but he didn't. When he caught my disappointment, he took a sideways glance at me, put a hand on top of my head, and navigates me toward a car parked just outside.

"You're driving?" I asked.

"Why? You didn't think I know how to?" He opened the door for me and I entered.

When he settled himself on the driver's seat and removed his air mask, he made a whining sound which made me jump. "What?"

"You already put your seatbelt on!" I looked at myself, and then at him. "I was supposed to put it on for you."

I snorted a laugh. "You're such a baby!"

He leaned towards me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "That's good enough." He said. I turned to the window to hide my blushing face. I never got used to him acting like that. I caught a glimpse of him smiling at me in the mirror. Then, we drove off.

We never really got to see each other much during his promotions period. He usually just sneak out in between practices. If he can't, we'd spend our free hours in video chatting. So driving alone with him is a whole new experience. Which actually felt nice.

During the drive, he kept talking about his parents and how they can't wait to meet me. It's supposed to make me less nervous, but nothing can help me I guess.

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