Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"What?!" Xei Ming shouted unable to contain neither his shock nor his utter horror.

Oh please God. Why do you hate me so much. He wailed inside.

Xei Ming was usually calm and cool but now he was unable to remain unflustered. Consort? Him? Not to mention he was as straight as a rod, he did not want to have any kind of relationship with thid thousand year old ice block.

"Silence" the emperor said his voice as biting as the northern winds.

Xei Ming along with all the other people couldn't help but flinch.

"You, a mere peasant dares  question the emporer's command?" 

The servants couldn't help but take a step back even though they knew the emporer's ire wasn't directed at them. Nontheless their black hearts beat a prey's would when confronted with a vicious predator.

Xei Ming knowtowed immediately. It was not that he wanted to, his body was complaining enough but who knew if he didn't this monstor could annihilate him and his family.

"Apologies, great emperor. This peasent deserves a thousand deaths. This sinner is willing to accept his punishment"
Had he said it right? Damnit.

Etiquette was not his strongest suit...he only knew how to beat people black and blue and right now the desire to do so to the emperor was stronger than anything he'd ever felt.
But he reigned in his violent feelings for. And anyways he wasn't sure he could beat him. He could see the emperor was crazy strong even if he was just sitting there.
He could only hope he had said the right thing.

There was a dark chuckle that sent a chill down Xei Ming's spine.
Shut up you monster you were creepy enough already. Xei Ming thought.

Xei Ming complied immediately.

"I initially thought that I would spare you the branding but you will have to suffer through it as your punishment" Jiang Li Ring said with an evil chuckle."This emperor is going to be considerate and postpone your punishment to tomorrow"

Go to hell you evil bastard.
Xei Ming just knew the emperor hadn't planned on sparing him from the begining.

At that moment Xei Ming felt so much anger that he could have screamed.

But instead he just said. "Thanking the empeor's benevolence" in the most sincere tone.
He almost coughed out a mouthfull of blood with the effort it took to say those words.
Benevolent my ass.

"Escort Han Ren and his wife out of the palace and my new consort to his room"
And with a flick of his sleeve he dismissed them all and went back to sipping tea.
That's it? He was going to drop a bombshell and dismiss them like nothing happened?

Xei Ming stole a glance at his current parents. Their faces were deathly pale with worry.
Hell he was worried himself. Only God knew what plan this evil emperor was scheming to make him suffer.

He was roughly escorted to his room and Han Ren and his wife were treated no better. His eyes twitched with displeasure but now was not the time to protest. Atleast they would be safe away from here.

He felt a piercing gaze at the back of his head just before turning a corner and sure enough when he glanced back the empeor was smirking at him, a devilish gleam in his eyes.

Devil. A devil with a face of an angel.

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