The Caretaker

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Spark's POV

......I was shocked at the sight of her....She was another eeveelution, a glaceon to be exact.....................

I quickly snapped out of my shocked status and decided to take action. I could easily see she was severely hurt and possibly poisoned since her face was slightly purple. Not to my surprise, she was also unconscious. Then I started to look around, desperate to find some sort of shelter for her to rest. As I looked around we were in luck, a little bit further up there seemed to be a relatively big cave. It also seemed empty so I decided that that would be a good place to stay.

Without thinking twice I put the wounded glaceon on my back and I carefully ran towards the cave. Once I arrived I carefully put the glaceon against the wall. I went inside the cave to confirm if it was empty. The cave was about 20 feet wide and about 20 feet long (3 feet is about 1 meter, I think). But the cave was more circle like than square like. And as I suspected the cave was empty, luckily.

I went outside again, gently picked up the glaceon and I carefully dropped the glaceon in a comfortable position in the cave. After the glaceon seemed to be comfortable I ran back to the lake to get my backpack for medical supplies. When I got back to the glaceon I took a better look at her wounds. It appears that she has broken her front-left paw. Hmmm, I think she also has broken 2 of her ribs and her head wasn't broken but it definitely took a big hit. Lastly I felt if her head was warm and as I suspected she was also poisoned.

I decided to firstly take care of the poison, I grabbed my bag, searched for the bowl, grinder and the little bag full of berries. I got al three things out of the bag, got some, pecha, oran and sitrus berries out of the little bag and started grinding them to a juice in the bowl. Once I successfully got the berries to a juice I picked up the bowl, opened the glaceon's mouth and gently made her drink some of the juice. The purple on her face faded away and once I saw this I let out a relieved sigh.

Now it was time to aid her broken paw and ribs.
I decided I should look for some big leaves outside so that I can use them as a sort of bandage. And so I went outside and looked for some leaves. It took me about 10 minutes to find 3 big leaves to use as a sort of bandage.

I rushed back inside the cave to see the glaceon still lying there peacefully. I walked over to her and started to aid her paw. I strapped the bandage around her paw and then around her neck so that the paw can relax and can be carried around by her neck. Then I used the other 2 leaves to keep the ribs in the same place as they used to be.

Once I was finally done aiding her broken paw and ribs, I put some of the leftover juice from earlier on her head to cool down her head wound. Now she was all cared for.

I decided that it would be better for her if I made her a little bit more comfortable. And so I decided to make her a little self-made bed. I went outside to firstly search for some straw for her to lay on. When I finally found some straw, I rushed back to the cave to see the glaceon flinching a lot and trying to get up, barely opening her eyes. I dropped the straw and ran to her......

Crystal's POV

I woke up feeling dizzy and still hurt but I was feeling a little better than earlier. I tried opening my eyes, but in the end I could barely see anything. My head felt cold so I touched it and there seemed to be some slimy juice on my head. Than I realised that I wasn't poisoned anymore. I tried to get up but failed, than I heard someone walking over. I looked up at him or her. All I could see was some yellow blur walking over to me. I screamed afraid that it would be a beedrill. "S-STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed. "Hey, hey, no need to scream. I don't know what happened to you but you need to rest, I'm only trying to help." Judging from his voice I assumed it was a guy. His voice wasn't like a beedrills would be so I calmed down a bit. "O-oh sorry I t-thought you were one of the attackers." "It's okay, just stop fighting the pain and rest. I will take care of you." He said caring and calm. "O-ok, I trust you." And soon after I said that I decided to rest and close my eyes.

Spark's POV

She was finally resting again. I sighed and ran back to the straw I found, I picked it up went to the left side of the cave, next to the glaceon. I started forming a sort of mattress out of the straw. When I was finished I went back for some more straw. I ran back and forth a few times before I was finally done making the mattress.

Then I picked up the glaceon and put her on the straw mattress. Next thing on the list was a bed sheet. I ran outside again and grabbed all the big leaves I could find. When I got back I started strapping the leaves together to make a sort of bed sheet. I put the leaf bed sheet over the glaceon and as I did a soft smile formed on her face. "Ah, good, she's comfortable."

After the exhausting day the sun finally started setting, so I decided it would be best if I got some rest as well. I walked to the right side of the cave, curled up, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.........

Well... that's another chap done, hope you enjoyed🙃.

P.S: Do you guys/galls like the new cover? Well I hope you do...... Because I do!

Release date: 14 August 2019
1067 words

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