Chapter 1

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Class just ended an hour ago, and the hallways were quiet and peaceful. There was not a soul in the hallways instead a gentle breeze. Your brain was fried, from the stress of preparing for highschool. Middle school was coming to an end but you knew the want to be a hero. You wanted to save everyone you could, it is not about the money or fame. As long as you could save people like her.

That would be enough

You were planning on just going to just destress by dancing on the roof. You enjoyed dancing on the roof because of the breeze and of the space. This was also the place where no one would ever come. Meaning no one would ever catch you dancing.

Finally, you made it to the stairway as you were heading to the roof. Once you reached the top and opened the door. Then, you saw a young boy standing on the railing. The wind was blowing against his green locks. Even from your view you could she him shaking and his unsteady breathing. Only one train of thought crossed your mind.

Not again

(Izuku's P.O.V)

Kachan is right, I was never cut out to be a hero. I guess I should just swan dive off the roof. I'm just a quirkless nobody. At least there is no one here to stop me. I'm sorry mom. I looked at the sunset, enjoying the view. The sunset was beautiful and the rays gently hit my face. I embraced the view, I'm glad it's the last thing I will ever see. Before I could jump from the railing. I heard the sound to quick footsteps and someone pulling me back. I could not even process what was happening. My back was met with the cold floor. Then I heard an angelic voice asking "what were you doing?" My eyes slowly fluttered open to see a girl with silky (h/c) hair and worried (e/c) eyes.

She was breath-taking

I realized her concerned tone as she was still asking me so many questions.

(Your P.O.V)

I kept asking if he was okay and why he was going to jump. I stopped to notice his shocked expression. Then, all I could see were fresh tears running down his face. His green curly locks were covering his eyes and he was shaking like a leaf.

I pulled him into a hug while rubbing circles into his back. Then I gently whispered into his ear "it's okay, just let it all out". Silence no longer filled the school, instead the boy's sniffles and sobs penetrated it.

(Izuku's P.O.V)

Before answering her questions I just broke down into tears. Then, I felt a sudden embrace as her enchanting voice spread a comforting warmth throughout my body. I have never felt this feeling. It only caused more tears to spill as I clung to the beautiful girl.

This lasted for a couple minutes but it felt like an eternity.

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