Chapter 17

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I just want to thank all of the amazing readers, who have continued to read this book. I love you all and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I added a song reference in hear, I hope you guys can catch it.

You woke up on the floor. You got ready for work but your whole body was sore. Each movement was painful, you could barely stand straight without your legs wobbling. You did your morning routine but the sky looked grey outside. Even breathing hurts. Today was just odd and you felt like you were just going through the motions. Somehow your physical pain was as prominent as ever.

(Time Skip)

Today, the instructor couldn't make it so you had to cover the class. There was one problem, the instructor never taught you the choreography so you had to choreograph a dance with what little time you had. You thought "damn, why did this have to happen?" You quickly started choreography knowing you had less than half an hour before class started. This was not just any class. This was the senior dance company, most of them were in their early 20's. This had to be great choreography or else. You didn't even want to think about the chance of losing this job. This was now your only source of income. You were going to pour your pain into this choreography. Luckily, you realized you weren't choreographing alone. One of your coworkers was helping you teach the class and you both decided to do partner work. He went along with the idea and you both started to choreograph.

You started to run the class through a classical ballet warm. That was your strongest style of dance. After the warm-up, the class had a 5-minute water break. You started to ask how his boyfriend was since it was almost their second anniversary. It was cute how they met. After the quick break, you both started to teach the dance. You made sure to add plenty of combinations that would challenge them. The room had a few windows so passersby could watch the class.

This is the dance

or you can choose this dance

it's up to you

You were both satisfied with how the class went. You could tell that many of them were getting into the choreography. Honestly, you were proud of yourself that you were able to pull this off with your friend/coworker. Although he was a few years older than you, he was one of your closest friends.

You watched as the others were doing their last run through and you decided to go last on your own. Once the run-through was over you decided to be. The students had left as well as your coworker/friend Marco. They had black hair in a ponytail, then you noticed that it was Momo. You haven't seen her since the private lesson. You waved and smiled at her as she began to walk into the studio room. She had a poise presence as she approached you. You said, "Hello Ms. Yayorozo, I haven't seen you in a while". You made sure to not let your personal life ever interfere with your work life. You made sure to smile and to keep a calm voice. She responded "It's good to see you Ms. (Y/l/n). I was just walking by as then I saw you teaching a class with someone." You replied, "Ah, yes we were teaching the Senior Dance Company since the instructor couldn't make it". Suddenly she asked "Ms. (Y/l/n), you seem fairly young to be working. I was wondering how old you are?" You answered, "Oh, I'm 14, I'll be 15 soon". Momo had a shocked expression on her face, but this was to be expected. Most would assume you were older due to your job. This only made you giggle.

Eternity (Yandere Bnha X Dancer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now