Chapter 6

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Kirstie's POV

*~*2 Days Later*~*

I wake up to REALLY loud but REALLY good music. I checked the pretty floral clock on my wall and it read 10:04 AM. Well, kinda too early for me but whatever. I got up in my white and pink polka dotted onsie and felt too lazy to change so I just walked down the stairs to see Connor, Kian, and Dad sitting on the couch on their phones except for Ricky who had his phone on full blast and he was lip syncing whatever the song was, but the singer sounded a lot like him.

"What's that song it's really good," I ask.

"ITS MY NEW SONG 'NOBODY' AND THANKS!" Ricky screams over the music.

I started to dance along while Ricky was singing on the table in front of everyone.

"I'm hungry," I say.

Dad looks up from his phone and asks,"Is that all you can say?"

"But I ammmm," I complain.

"I'm with ya, Kiki. Wanna go make pancakes?" Connor suggests.

"Hmm... Ok," I say, smiling. I actually have no idea on how to make pancakes. But since I was hungry, I was just gunna eat the Nutella while I watched Connor make all the pancakes. They were all right about one thing, Nutella. Changed. My. Life.

Connor got up and I followed him to the kitchen and while he got out all the stuff to make the pancakes, I snuck out the Nutella from the cabinet.

"Can you get me the milk?" Connor asks.

I quickly hide the Nutella in the corner and reply,"O-ok sure.. How much..?"

"3/4 of a cup," he replys.

I pour the milk in the measuring cup and hand it to him. He started to mix everything so I took that as a chance to eat Nutella.

Connor starts to pour the batter into the pan and asks,"Do you know how to flip the pancak- WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY NUTELLA??!?!!"

"Umm... Eating it for you?" I say eating another spoonful.

"STAHP IT I NEED IT TO EAT LATER WHEN I WATCH NETFLIX!!" Connor says starting to chase me around.

Ricky's POV

I start to hear screaming in the kitchen.

"Do you think they're okay in there..?" I ask Jc and Kian.

"Umm, we should probably go check... AND THEY BETTER NOT HAVE TOUCHED MY ARIZONA." Kian exclaims.

We cautiously walk into the kitchen and see Connor trying to chase around Kirstie who has chocolate all over her face- oh. She took the Nutella. That makes more sense.

"HELPMEHELPME CONNORSGONNAKILLMEEE!" she screams, running from Connor and hiding behind a chair.



This is kind of entertaining.

By now, Connor and Kiki both noticed all of us standing at the opening where it connects the kitchen and the living room.

Kiki runs over and hides behind me, eats a spoonful of Nutella and says,"STAND BACK! I HAVE A HUMAN SHIELD AND IM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!"

I roll my eyes and say sarcastically,"Wow, I feel special."

Suddenly, beeps go off answer smell something burning.

"OH NUU THE PANCAKES," Connor exclaims, frantacally. (A/n lol see what I did there? No? Ok.. *sits in corner and feels special because I did something smart*)

Kian runs and switches the alarm off and we open a bunch of windows to let the smoke go out.

"Well now what do we eat for breakfast? CUZ IM STILL HUNGRY," Kirstie says.

Connor sneaks up to her and takes the Nutella and shouts,"YASSS VICTORY!!" Kiki just crossed her arms and pouts.

"I'm gonna go buy Taco Bell!" Jc says taking his keys and starts to walk out to the front door.

"I'm coming with!" I say following Jc.

Suddenly, Connor screams,"YOU ATE LIKE HALF OF IT!"

"Hurry, let's get out of here before something goes wrong," I whisper shout to Jc.

"Yup," Jc replys. "HAVE FUN KIAN!" he screams while we run out the door before we could get an answer.

Oh well, sucks for Kian.



I'm LOVING Ricky's song Nobody and the music video was AMAZINGG like UGHH SO FABBB (≧∇≦) I've been listening to it on loop this whole time :D

I just wanted to let that out there. ok ;3

('') LUV YA!!!

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