The First Game

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Chapter 5 - recap

I was dangerously close to Natsu. I yank my fist lose and shove myself away, turning my head at the same time. My cuts where now searing as I hit the wall from moving backwards. I bit my lip as not to cry, but my face was twisted with pain. Natsu came over to me and despite my attempts to push him away, pulled my forward and into an embrace.

"Natsu..?!" I whisper, as silence falls over us

"You aren't feeling well or something, are you?" He finally says breaking the silence. I don't answer the question, because I don't want to hear the answer myself.

• * •

Chapter 6 - The First Game

A month had passed since I was potentially abducted. Lisanna and Natsu where the talk of the school still, and I had been continually hiding my anguish. I put my folder in my shoulder bag and then headed out into the hall leaving Ms. V's room.

"Hello Lucy, how are you?" I hear Erza, the class president, greet me.

"Hi Erza, and I'm better thanks," I smile.

"Good. I can't have my friends getting hurt by drunken men," she folded her arms.

I winced and held my hand to my temple. A sudden throbbing pain erupted there. Erza gave me a concerned look.

"Lucy? Are you alright? Do I need to carry you to the nurse?" She questioned.

I shake my head, "no, no it's fine Erza," I assure her.

"Hm, okay Lucy. Just be careful," she advises me.

"Will do Erza," I wink at her and continue to class. As Sir Guildarts rambles on about the latest topic, I softly hum my music to myself while writing down notes as they become clear on the board.

"And by dividing these you will get x as 7, does everyone understand?" Guildarts asked, reviving a series of nods.

"Good, homework is pages 117-119 all evens," he dismisses us. I stand up and push my things into my bag before heading to lunch. I stop before reaching the lunchroom as another pain erupts in the same spot. I grimace and rub the spot before finally making my way to the spot I shared with Levy. She had her nose in a book only pausing to much on a carrot.

I eat my lunch in silence, my gaze making its way over the people in the lunchroom. My eyes accidentally land on Natsu, my old lunch partner. He was sitting with Lisanna, the cheer squad, and a few of his team mates. He turned his head in a direction where he could see me and I quickly snapped my head the other direction. My hair hung over my eyes a bit, and Levy looked up at my sudden movement.

"Are you-?" She silently questions.

I nod my head before standing and throwing away my trash. I hurry from the lunch room, where I run my hands through my hair, resting my arms on the back of my neck. I make my way through the hall slowly, not in any rush. I hear whispers nearby, and I draw nearer to them, and I recognize two cheerleader's.

They where whispering back and fourth about something, and the second they saw me the stood away from each other and send me a quick glare before retreating done the hall. I stare after them dumbfounded. Why did they glare at me?

I shake it off and head to the library. I browse trough books hoping to find something to keep me occupied. I skim through popular magazines and I sing softly to myself. The librarian hears me but doesn't tell me to be quiet. I was the only one there, and she had grown to like my song.

"So are you going to really perform this year?" She asked me as I brought two books up for check out.

I look up at her. "I think I will," I nod. "But it's still up in the air."

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