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London POV
I went over to my mom's house while the twins were at school to talk to her , because I was lost honestly.
"I don't know what to do mom." I said as I sat down on the couch
"I'm still confused on how he's not dead London. It just doesn't make sense..what kind of person would fake their own death? I hope he has a good reason."
"I hope so too , because I want my kids to know their dad. It's hurting me to keep them away from him but until I know if he's fit to be in their life then I don't know.."
"Well you wont know if he's fit to be their dad unless you talk to him Nunu."
"Mama I don't know..It's hard to see his face. He broke my heart ma...for real."
"I know baby, but you gotta put your feelings aside because Milani and Mekai are more important. Okay?"
"Yea.. Okay"
"So I want you to go home, and call Antwan over. Try and figure this out. Okay?" I sighed

When I left my mom's house I got in my car and texted Antwan off of the number he texted me from. I drove home and waited inside until he showed up.
15 minutes after I got home Antwan showed up at my door. I let him in and felt an awkward vibe between us..

He sat down on the couch across from me & just stared me down.
"Okay..Antwan I'm doing this for our kids , and that's it. Nothing more nothing less. I only want to know your side of the story so you can be in their life."
"I uderstand.. thank you."
I nodded , "Now explain yourself."
He sighed and put his hands together

"The reason I left because I was in some gang sh!t that's mad hard to explain... I didn't do what they wanted and they was gon kill me if I didn't come thru for them..they was serious about it too , and I didn't wanna just die and leave you with the kids all alone...or leave you period. There's more to the story but I always planned on coming back to y'all London..I just didn't know how to come back to you.."

"I don't think...you understand how hurt and broken I was for years Antwan. You could've told me what you had to do...yes I would be upset but if it meant keeping you alive and me KNOWING you were alive...then I would understand, but you didn't come to me. 6 years of our lives we could've spent together Antwan..6 fuckin years of me being so torn apart about to death and here you are 100% okay? Look..I'm fine with you being in there life I am. But ion want shit to do with you..so you can get them and spend time with them but ion wanna associate with you..at all."

"I know I hurt you London , but now that I'm back I thought-.."
"What'd you think? That we was gon live happily ever after together? That was the plan at first ... but now it's not. I got somebody in my life that's been holding me down even after all the shit I told him I've been through with yo so called "death"..almost took my fuckin life because of your "death" Antwan, but I- I knew our kids needed me and they're the reason I'm still here."
I took deep breaths to hold in the tears
"So that's it?"
"We only talk about the kids cuz..ion want nothin to do with you Antwan. For real..."
He nodded and a tear dropped down his face..And then he walked out..

I really didn't want to do him like that...hopefully along the way we can get through this shit but ion even know..

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