Ethan Hendrix

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For ddlovaticlover . Sorry for the wait! I hope everything is good 😅 let me know if I'm missing anything!
Role: The Rising Star
Name: Ethan L. Hendrix
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Celebrity. More specifically? A young and upcoming actor
FC: Jack Gilinsky

 More specifically? A young and upcoming actor FC: Jack Gilinsky

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Personality: Ethan is—needless to say—Mr

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Personality: Ethan is—needless to say—Mr. Popularity and always has been. He's the next big actor and like any other celebrity has plenty of time in the spotlight. He's sweet and charming and knows exactly what to say and do in almost every social situation. He's got natural confidence and knows exactly what he's about. It's takes a lot to tear him down and he does have a slight ego, though he usually attempts to play it cool. However, that's doesn't mean he doesn't come off as slightly proud and arrogant. Around others he tends to exude this 'holier than thou' attitude, as if to assert his dominance. This is especially true around other males. He's typically an outgoing and self sufficient person, meaning he rarely relies on others. He does have a bit of a temper and can become easily annoyed. It should also be noted that Ethan is somewhat of a high maintenance person. While he of course has good intentions, he struggles with finding appropriate ways to handle his emotions and ever present mood swings. Truthfully, he's just trying to find himself in this world. He acts like he doesn't care about anything, but deep down he cares far more than he lets on. All in all, Ethan is a pretty complicated person to fully understand, despite seeming relatively straight forward upon first meeting him.

•Watching TV and Movies
•The Beach
•Working Out
•Warm Days
•Ice Cream
•Social Outings
•Photography + Videography
•And more

•Being Called Out
•Public Embarrassment
•Overly Spicy Foods
•Stiff Environments
•Tight Spaces
•Early Mornings/Waking up Early
•Being out of Shape
•Orange Juice
•And more

Strengths: Sweet, Charming, Social, Outgoing, Confident, Caring, Independent, Determined, Persistent, Cool, Proud, Funny/Humorous

Flaws: Arrogant, Proud, Slight Ego, Temperamental/Emotional, Jealous, Closed-off, Ambitious, Holier-than-thou demeanor, Dominant, High Maintenance, Blunt

Backstory: Ethan was raised alone by his father. His mother had passed away when he was four from breast cancer and his memory of her is faint. The only thing he remembers of her is the song she would always sing him when he was little. Other than that, Ethan's father has been the only real person of authority in his life. Growing up tended to be lonely for the kid, especially since his father was a very business oriented man. So, he found a love for the TV shows and movies he watched as a child and fell in love with acting. He joined the school play in third grade and stayed involved with theater ever since. He even took choir simply to be able to participate in the school musicals as well. Ethan isn't really the type who likes to go into detail about his past, mainly because he feels there's nothing worthwhile to tell.

Why They're Entering: Ethan is entering because he's hoping to find himself a special lady. Despite the rumors insisting he's only in it for the fame and to boost his career, he's truly here to find love or connection of some sort. While positive attention will certainly be a good thing, he's not here solely for the paparazzi. He's here because, like every human being, he has a heart.

Other: He has a few tattoos


Password: Picnic and Painting Date

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Password: Picnic and Painting Date. The two could enjoy a nice picnic in the park or a nice natural setting. Then, they can paint on canvas together as a nice, relaxing activity and enjoy the other's company. Nothing too high maintenance and it allows the two to talk and bond over things.

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