Chapter 38

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Thanks for all the votes, comments and reads. It's much appreciated. I hope you'll like this chapter and the reveal of who's done it. :p 

Ready to leave she made her way down the stairs; she knew they wouldn't be too happy about her leaving on the day she returned from staying in the hospital. When she got down, she informed her grandparents that she was leaving to meet up with Alex to talk. And she couldn't see them rising in protest.

"And you couldn't invite him here?" her gran wondered as Amelia tilted her head to the side with a pointed look and raise of her brow.

"No, I couldn't cause he won't have one foot through the door, and you'll rip him to shreds, yes it wasn't nice what he's done and we're going to be talking about that. The lies that were spread weren't either and if I'm being honest, I'm not sure if I would have acted any different to how he did if I'd been faced with the same problem. We're going to talk; I'm going to tell him that I'm giving him a second chance and I hope you guys will support my decision the same way you've supported me in the last couple of months." She explained to them with a hopeful tone when she said the last bit, she knew it would be hard for her family to just forget about what had happened, that he dropped her like a rock when it came to it. but they would have to make peace with that, the same way that she was.

Really, she loved her grandmother, a lot, she and her grandfather had raised her to the person she was today, and she'd be forever grateful for all they had done. But they could be a tad bit overprotective as well and she knew it was done out of the bottom and the love they had for her. They always worried about her and it wasn't like she hadn't given them a reason to worry about this time though. They'd have to put aside all of that for a little while whilst she and Alex tried to figure everything out between them.

"It wasn't fair what he did to you." Her grandmother said as Amelia nodded her head in confirmation, she was right about that as well. But how could they move forward when they kept holding onto their grudges.

"No, it wasn't, but it's the cards I've been given gran. And now we're going to try and solve the mess that one person put us in by spreading lies. But ask yourself gran, would you give up your love for gramps?" she asked her, needing to see how Amelia thought, she needed her to understand why she was making this decision. She needed to see everything from her shoes.

"No." her gran admitted with a heavy sigh after a moment of thought as she nodded her head in slow understanding.

"Exactly and I can't either, what you and gramps have." She paused, looking in the distance for a short moment between her grandparents with a fond smile on her lips. She wanted to have what her grandparents had, they'd been married for so long and though there were times where they could argue, at the end of the day, she knew with certainty that they loved each other, she wanted to have what they had, and she knew she could only get it with Alex.

"It's what I want gran. And I know that there is only one person who can give me that. Yes, we've had a rough patch, but things were out of our control and we'll figure out which person seemed it fit to break us up in such manner. But right now, we need to focus on healing us, let us fight for what you guys taught me. Let me have what the two of you share." She explained to her grandparents, and she could see the realization starting to hit her grandmother, she knew her grandfather would support her no matter what, her gran would always be the one needing a bit more work to convince. And she could see in her gran's eyes that she understood what she meant.

"that doesn't mean we'll be having a few words with him. But I won't rip him to shreds like you put it." she explained to her with a hint of amusement as Amelia nodded her head at her gran with a smile on her lips.

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