Chapter Nineteen.

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Chapter Nineteen.

"What?" I ask. Did I hear him right?

"Will you go out with me?"


"Be my girlfriend? Yeah. That."

"Um. Wait, are you asking me so like we can be in a relationship?"

"Don't worry, just forget it." He went fully out the window and I felt a little bad. I mean it's not like I totally rejected him. I was just clarifying the question. I ran to my window and looked out. I had to make a decision. To be honest, I do actually want to be a relationship with him. I like him. Yeah, I do.

I looked out the window and saw him walking away.

"Yes!" I shout out the window.

He turned around. "What?"

"I'll be your girlfriend." I say, grinning.

"Y-you will?"

"I just said so."

"Well, great. That's just brilliant." He said, beaming with happiness. He walked back and climbed up and gave me a long passionate kiss.


"Well there's more where that came from."

"Oh shut up. Go clean your vomit house."

"Fine, fine. Wanna help?"

"Not particularly."

"Well tough cookies, you're coming with. Just go out the front door yeah. Don't climb out the window I know how much you hate it."

"How considerate of you." I said sarcastically.

"I know."

"I was being sarcastic. You know, since you made me jump out last night."

"Well, okay whatever. Meet me there." He said, pointing to a tree.

I nodded and he jumped back down while I went and got some shoes and walked downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My dad asked.

"To help Alex clean up his house. His parents are coming home soon."

"Well, we need to talk. About everything."

"There's nothing to talk about. Me and Tony have the same opinions and feel the same way. I don't know what there is to talk about, dad. We don't want anything to do with her. What don't you get?"

"This is exactly why I never told you both. This is why I kept me and her a secret, for your sakes."

"I don't see how you can go back to her. She left you with two screaming babies. I just don't get how you can forgive her. But, it's your life so do whatever you want, I don't care." I say, storming out of the house. In all honesty, I've had enough of this whole thing. It's been like what, ten hours? Yeah, I can't take it and it's been ten hours.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just stuff."

"Ah, okay. Well, ready for clean up time?"

"Not really to be honest. But I'm happy to help." I smile. "Better than being stuck at home discussing certain family stuff." I sigh.

"Well, everything will get better alright? You never know, she done a runner once maybe she'll do it again."

"But if she does, what does it mean for my dad? More heartbreak?"

"It might be for the best though. If he realises it now, he won't go back to her again, will he?"

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