Logan/Virgil - lost one's weeping

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Based on the vocaloid song with the same title but with a few words changed slightly.

A dagger of distrust, finally pierces a vein. Suddenly by appearing, this weak love even transforms a pole into a weapon.

I sat studying on my own, well.. as on my own as having Logan sat by me.

It's not fiction.

"Why are you so bad with literature?" The teacher like side asked as he saw how I was struggling.

"I do like maths and science. Since I'm useless at literature, I hate it." I responded.

But if I continue to worry about which is correct. I feel they'll both turn out to be wrong.

Logan sighed, shaking his head as he took off his glasses to clean the lenses.

Today's homework is about me, who has no personality... It's just enough. I'm satisfied. I've started to live.

He put his glasses back on and noticed how I skipped through five pages in the book before turning them back to the first page I was on. "focus. Don't just skip questions you can easily answer."

But why is it, we sometimes-- no, always. Say we're sad.

"We're told to move to another question if we don't get the one we're on. That's what I'm doing." I retorted before he replied.

say we're lonely?

"Can you read the writing that's in this book?" He sarcastically said.

"Can you read this kids imagination?" I began.

"Who was it, who dyed this heart black, hey who was it? Hey who was it?!"

Logan seemed taken back by my replies. Unknowingly we gained a small audience of a silent Virgil and Thomas.

"Can you solve this equation on the abacus?" "Can you loosen the rope around this kids neck?"

Is it fine, if we remain like this? Hey, what should I do? It doesn't matter anymore...

I went back to answering the questions in the stupid book while Logan walked away for a small while. Complaining about me to Virgil who seemed to side with me but didn't show it.

No matter how much time passes, we've been carelessly intoxicated into hypnotism.

Logan walked back and was even more pissed at the fact I was still on the same question before walking off again, probably to complain to Roman or something.

Virgil knelt down beside me and asked if I was okay. "I've always hopelessly hid behind arrogance from power I no longer have." Was my seemingly cryptic reply, but Virgil understood.

Logan soon walked back while Virgil actually helped with the questions. "She needs to do it on her own Virgil." Was all he said before the emo pat my back and walked away.

As always, I can't solve yesterday's homework...
It's just enough. I'm satisfied. I've started to live.

Logan sat down again and just silently watched as I struggled through the next question.

But why is it, the devil deep inside us. Says we want to disappear, says we want to die?

"This question is probably one of the simplest ones and you can't solve it? Patton has solved this one in half a minute but you take ten?" He unknowingly taunted while I silently died over and over.

Can you read the writing that's in this book? Can you read that kid's imagination?

Logan continued to unknowingly belittle me as he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Who was it, that dyed this heart black,
Hey, who was it? Hey, who was it?

"Can you solve the equation on the abacus?" "Can you loosen the rope around this kids neck?"

Is it fine, if we remain like this? Hey, what should I do? Hey, what should I do?

"Can you recite the area ratio formula?" Logan questioned. "Can you recite your dreams as a child?" He continued.

"Who threw those dreams down the drain? Hey, who was it?" "I already know." Was my response.

"When will you grow up?" He questioned, yelling which broke his usually calm phase as he stood up. "WHAT THE HECK IS 'GROWING UP' IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" I yelled back with the same amount of anger, standing up to look him in the eyes.

Who should I be asking? Hey, what should I do? It doesn't matter anymore...

I walked off, trying not to cry as I left Logan in shock at my outburst as I had never yelled before.

I walked silently to Virgil who pulled me into a tight hug. Gently rubbing my back as I cried into his shoulder.

He was probably the only one who knew how to actually comfort me.. "thanks Virge.."

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